<86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355621]: delete user 'rooter' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355621]: removed group 'rooter' owned by 'rooter' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355621]: removed shadow group 'rooter' owned by 'rooter' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355627]: group added to /etc/group: name=rooter, GID=675 <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355627]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=rooter <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355627]: new group: name=rooter, GID=675 <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 useradd[1355636]: new user: name=rooter, UID=675, GID=675, home=/root, shell=/bin/bash <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355649]: delete user 'builder' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355649]: removed group 'builder' owned by 'builder' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 userdel[1355649]: removed shadow group 'builder' owned by 'builder' <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355657]: group added to /etc/group: name=builder, GID=676 <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355657]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=builder <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 groupadd[1355657]: new group: name=builder, GID=676 <86>Oct 11 10:27:01 useradd[1355663]: new user: name=builder, UID=676, GID=676, home=/usr/src, shell=/bin/bash <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libpng16-1.6.36-alt1 sisyphus+219478.100.1.1 1547633314 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libexpat-2.2.4-alt1 1503305345 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libjpeg-2:2.0.2-alt1 sisyphus+226996.100.1.1 1554902907 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Try-Tiny-0.30-alt1 1514318058 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-libnet-1:3.11-alt1 1511423541 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Module-Runtime-0.016-alt1 1509549848 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-HTTP-Date-6.02-alt1 1348645274 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-alt1 1479407083 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libgdbm-1.8.3-alt10 1454943334 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libopenblas-0.2.20-alt2 p9+229427.100.2.1 1558020066 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libICE-1.0.9-alt1 1409902721 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libpaper-1.1.26-alt1 sisyphus+221360.100.1.1 1549974197 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: psutils-2:1.23-alt2 sisyphus+226711.100.1.1 1554520843 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libSM-1.2.3-alt1 sisyphus+226734.100.2.1 1554586158 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11-alt1 1397076608 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Module-Implementation-0.09-alt1 1418836057 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libjasper-2.0.19-alt1 p9+259123.100.3.1 1602000730 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libnspr-1:4.28-alt1 p9+254920.20.18.1 1601209854 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libidn2-2.2.0-alt1 p9+229971.100.2.1 1558696281 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libpixman-3:0.38.4-alt1 sisyphus+228006.100.1.1 1556013870 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libglvnd-7:1.3.1-alt0.p9 p9+251991.160.19.1 1590834872 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libwayland-server-1.17.0-alt1 sisyphus+225894.100.1.1 1553872805 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libtcl-8.6.9-alt1 sisyphus+227145.100.1.2 1555606538 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libsqlite3-3.33.0-alt1 p9+258834.40.2.1 1601365057 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: python-module-sphinxcontrib-2.1.1-alt2.1.2 sisyphus+227529.1100.1.2 1555924423 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-IO-stringy-2.111-alt1 1432302202 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-MRO-Compat-0.13-alt1 1491292748 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Devel-StackTrace-1:2.03-alt1 1511420922 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013-alt1 1479395404 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Unicode-Normalize-1:5.28.2-alt2 p9+244939.100.2.1 1580477848 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-File-Which-1.23-alt1 sisyphus.218871.100 1546337313 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Tie-RefHash-1.39-alt1 1316492563 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-TimeDate-2.32-alt1 p9+252601.500.11.1 1592659283 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.39-alt1 1494508514 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04-alt1 sisyphus+225468.100.1.1 1553186684 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.086-alt1 sisyphus+226395.100.1.2 1554269783 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-HTML-Tagset-3.20-alt2 1317725093 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libwebp7-1.0.3-alt1 p9+234901.200.1.1 1563552457 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libjbig-2.1-alt1 1401380926 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libtiff5- sisyphus+226958.100.1.1 1554850940 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libopenjpeg2.0-2.3.1-alt1 sisyphus+226454.100.1.1 1554284337 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libquadmath0-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libgfortran5-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libquadmath8-devel-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-autodie-2.29-alt1 1445013559 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-File-HomeDir-1.004-alt1 1525450444 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-unicore-1:5.28.2-alt2 p9+244939.100.2.1 1580477449 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500-alt1 sisyphus+221481.100.1.1 1550127196 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-1:0.14-alt1 1479389769 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Role-Tiny-2.000006-alt1 1513709006 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.20-alt1 p9+252601.400.11.1 1592659257 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: tcl-8.6.9-alt1 sisyphus+227145.100.1.2 1555606538 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libopenblas-devel-0.2.20-alt2 p9+229427.100.2.1 1558020066 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libgdbm-devel-1.8.3-alt10 1454943334 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-Data-Dump-1.23-alt1 1444601978 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: perl-File-Listing-6.04-alt1 1329758996 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: xml-utils-1:2.9.10-alt2 p9+240157.100.1.1 1572735327 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libltdl7-2.4.6-alt1 sisyphus+226971.100.2.1 1554906368 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:05 rpmi: libgts-0.7.6-alt2.drc20130205.1 sisyphus+225727.500.8.1 1553672623 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libgtk+2-locales-2.24.32-alt3 sisyphus+227306.100.1.3 1555646039 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libfribidi-1.0.7-alt1 p9+238309.200.1.1 1569787058 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libatk-locales-2.32.0-alt1 sisyphus+225059.600.3.2 1552845198 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libatk-2.32.0-alt1 sisyphus+225059.600.3.2 1552845362 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: icon-theme-hicolor-0.17-alt2 p9+248347.100.1.1 1584981172 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: shared-mime-info-1.13.1-alt1 p9+238204.100.1.1 1569496447 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libgdk-pixbuf-locales-2.38.2-alt1 p9+237353.1000.2.2 1568374008 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: gsettings-desktop-schemas-data-3.32.0-alt1 sisyphus+225059.300.3.2 1552843929 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libgio-2.60.7-alt1 p9+237353.100.2.2 1568373081 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.32.0-alt1 sisyphus+225059.300.3.2 1552843980 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libgdk-pixbuf-2.38.2-alt1 p9+237353.1000.2.2 1568374336 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.11-alt1 p9+237353.1200.2.2 1568374786 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libkpathsea6-2019-alt1_2 p9+238369.100.3.1 1569961575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libptexenc1-2019-alt1_2 p9+238369.100.3.1 1569961575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libsynctex2-2019-alt1_2 p9+238369.100.3.1 1569961575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libtexlua5-2019-alt1_2 p9+238369.100.3.1 1569961575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: zziplib-0.13.69-alt3 p9+240930.100.1.1 1574080049 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: liblcms2-2.9-alt1 1516411892 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: publicsuffix-list-dafsa-20200909-alt1 p9+257853.100.1.1 1599769437 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libpsl-0.21.1-alt1 p9+255207.100.1.1 1595355048 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libnghttp2-1.41.0-alt1 p9+256449.100.1.1 1597829547 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libbrotlicommon-1.0.7-alt1 sisyphus+226738.100.2.1 1554554568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: libbrotlidec-1.0.7-alt1 sisyphus+226738.100.2.1 1554554568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:06 rpmi: poppler-data-0.4.9-alt1 sisyphus.216033.100 1541141723 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libicu64-1:6.4.2-alt2 p9+247371.14540.149.1 1590835209 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libxshmfence-1.3-alt1 sisyphus+223149.1000.2.1 1551268571 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libwayland-client-1.17.0-alt1 sisyphus+225894.100.1.1 1553872805 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libpciaccess-1:0.14-alt1 1528969252 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libdrm-1:2.4.102-alt1 p9+252863.100.1.1 1591372623 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libgbm-4:20.1.8-alt1 p9+258208.300.1.1 1600333790 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: tex-common-0.2-alt4 1244804096 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: t1utils-1.41-alt1 1502978415 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libqqwing-1.3.4-alt2 1436192940 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: qqwing-1.3.4-alt2 1436192940 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-module-iniconfig-1.0.0-alt1 sisyphus+227494.1100.1.3 1555839106 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-module-apipkg-1.5-alt1 1531926894 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-module-imagesize-1.1.0-alt1 sisyphus+229015.100.2.1 1557233756 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-sphinx-objects.inv-1: p9+229421.100.1.1 1557927689 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libxapian-1.4.15-alt1 p9+258827.100.1.1 1601305423 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-module-google-0.4.2-alt2.1 sisyphus+228356.1500.3.1 1556633057 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: python-module-enum34-1.1.6-alt3 1527251693 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libnumpy-1:1.15.4-alt5 p9+255957.40.47.1 1599835883 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:07 rpmi: libxblas-1.0.248-alt1.3 sisyphus+229150.100.1.1 1557388786 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: liblapack-1:3.8.0-alt3 sisyphus+221521.100.1.1 1550134903 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: python-modules-curses-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libverto-0.3.0-alt1_7 sisyphus+225932.100.1.1 1553994919 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libkeyutils-1.6-alt2 sisyphus+226520.100.2.1 1554512089 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libcom_err-1.44.6-alt1 sisyphus+224154.100.1.1 1552091678 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libdatrie-0.2.9-alt1_6 1511686676 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libthai-0.1.28-alt1_1 sisyphus+226107.100.1.1 1554123079 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libsombok-2.4.0-alt1_8 sisyphus+226104.100.1.1 1554121176 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Text-Unidecode-1.30-alt1 1480505027 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Unicode-Map-0.112-alt7.1 sisyphus+219907.5000.1.1 1548350262 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9-alt1 1394057208 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Crypt-RC4-2.02-alt1 1319549646 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Math-Complex-1.59-alt1 1334229876 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-XML-RegExp-0.04-alt1 1348526543 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-DBI-1.642-alt1.1 sisyphus+219907.3200.1.1 1548345365 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Package-Stash-XS-0.29-alt1.1 sisyphus+219907.3400.1.1 1548345496 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Package-Stash-0.38-alt1 sisyphus.218845.100 1546250118 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Sub-Identify-0.14-alt1.2 sisyphus+219907.3700.1.1 1548345622 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Variable-Magic-0.62-alt1.2 sisyphus+219907.3600.1.1 1548345581 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24-alt1 1524680298 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-namespace-clean-0.27-alt1 1464272543 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-namespace-autoclean-0.28-alt1 1444994071 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Sub-Quote-2.006003-alt1 sisyphus+224895.100.1.1 1552434926 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08-alt2 1316996762 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Exception-Class-1.44-alt1 1513614520 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-PadWalker-2.3-alt1.2 sisyphus+219907.3500.1.1 1548345536 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Devel-Caller-2.06-alt2.2 sisyphus+219907.4000.1.1 1548345662 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Devel-LexAlias-0.05-alt3_17 sisyphus+219907.4100.1.1 1548345709 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Eval-Closure-0.14-alt1 1465147597 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30-alt1 1533170707 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Mail-Sendmail-0.80-alt1 1504118031 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Mail-Sender-1:0.903-alt1 1479576662 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Email-Date-Format-1.005-alt1 1413796337 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: ppp-common-0.5.1-alt1 1244040597 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: sendmail-common-1.7-alt3 1353029717 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21-alt3 1321333616 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-IPC-System-Simple-1.25-alt2_1 1388863478 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Term-Cap-1.17-alt1 1445018869 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-alt1 1418767892 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-File-Copy-Recursive-0.44-alt1 1525447381 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Digest-SHA1-2.13-alt5.2 sisyphus+219907.4500.1.1 1548350054 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: less-530-alt1 sisyphus+226367.200.2.2 1554151813 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.086-alt1 sisyphus+226394.100.1.2 1554269409 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libdb4.7-devel-4.7.25-alt9 1490438479 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-devel-1:5.28.2-alt2 p9+244939.100.2.1 1580477848 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Test-Fatal-0.014-alt1 1418768336 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Specio-0.43-alt1 sisyphus.215861.100 1540964587 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: hd2u-1.0.3-alt2 1400842666 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Filter-1.59-alt1.1 sisyphus+219907.400.1.1 1548343389 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Encode-3.01-alt1 sisyphus+224923.100.1.1 1552474122 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-URI-1.76-alt1 sisyphus+220243.100.1.1 1548863244 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTML-Parser-3.72-alt1.2 sisyphus+219907.600.1.1 1548343581 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-IO-Compress-2.086-alt1 sisyphus+226399.100.2.1 1554270186 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Net-HTTP-6.18-alt1 1526560501 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-WWW-RobotRules-6.02-alt1 1329756211 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Encode-Locale-1.05-alt1 1444608613 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-IO-HTML-1.001-alt1 1404821752 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTTP-Message-6.18-alt1 1528288416 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTTP-Cookies-6.04-alt1 1504116575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01-alt1 1329760563 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-libwww-6.39-alt1 sisyphus+229237.100.1.1 1557650051 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-XML-Parser-2.44-alt2.2 sisyphus+219907.1300.1.1 1548343835 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-XML-DOM-1.46-alt1 1474815568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-XML-XPath-1.44-alt1 sisyphus.215541.100 1540451758 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTML-Form-6.04-alt1 sisyphus+225750.100.1.1 1553678430 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-XML-Writer-0.625-alt1 1402417374 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: hwinfo-utils-21.23-alt1.1 sisyphus+223919.100.1.1 1551893139 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Pod-Simple-3.35-alt1 1482098090 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Pod-Usage-1.69-alt1 1464274721 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-podlators-4.11-alt1 1525935408 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTML-Tree-5.07-alt1 1506480309 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-HTML-Formatter-2.16-alt1 1482105372 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.91-alt1 sisyphus+219761.100.1.2 1548132822 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-MIME-Types-2.17-alt1 1517533413 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.39-alt1 sisyphus+225184.100.1.2 1552965523 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-1:0.65-alt1 1395677487 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-MIME-Charset-1.012.2-alt1 1494353584 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001-alt1.1 sisyphus+219907.4700.1.1 1548350207 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: perl-YAML-Tiny-1.73-alt1 1520430664 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libteckit-2.5.1-alt2.1 1319227325 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libteckit-utils-2.5.1-alt2.1 1319227325 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: rgb-1.0.6-alt3 p9+229442.100.1.1 1557941137 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libnetpbm11-10.85.04-alt1 sisyphus+225727.140.8.1 1553672199 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: mailx-8.1.2-alt7 1366314832 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: sharutils-4.6.3-alt1.1.qa2.1 1449219807 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: ncompress- 1366160442 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libX11-locales-3:1.6.7-alt2 p9+258208.100.1.1 1600333167 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXdmcp-1.1.3-alt1 sisyphus+225206.600.1.2 1552949353 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXau-1.0.9-alt1 sisyphus+223149.200.2.1 1551268152 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libxcb-1.13.1-alt1 sisyphus+226527.100.2.2 1554593801 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libX11-3:1.6.7-alt2 p9+258208.100.1.1 1600333162 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXext-1.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+225206.700.1.2 1552949429 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXt-1.1.4-alt1 1369984722 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXrender-0.9.8-alt1 1371312112 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXmu-1.1.3-alt1 sisyphus+225206.1200.1.2 1552949641 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXfixes-5.0.3-alt1 sisyphus+226736.100.2.2 1554614841 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXrandr-1.5.2-alt1 sisyphus+225206.1300.1.2 1552949710 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXpm-3.5.12-alt1 sisyphus+223149.400.2.1 1551268289 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXaw-1.0.12-alt1 1391072624 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXxf86vm-1.1.4-alt2 1527672187 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXi-1.7.9-alt2 sisyphus+226377.100.1.2 1554260260 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXdamage-1.1.5-alt1 sisyphus+225206.500.1.2 1552949286 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libGLX-mesa-4:20.1.8-alt1 p9+258208.300.1.1 1600333790 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libEGL-mesa-4:20.1.8-alt1 p9+258208.300.1.1 1600333790 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libEGL-7:1.3.1-alt0.p9 p9+251991.160.19.1 1590834872 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libGLX-7:1.3.1-alt0.p9 p9+251991.160.19.1 1590834872 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libGL-7:1.3.1-alt0.p9 p9+251991.160.19.1 1590834872 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libGLU-4:9.0.1-alt1 p9+251991.3000.19.1 1590835916 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libfreeglut-3.0.0-alt3 sisyphus+226742.100.2.3 1554619771 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXcursor-1.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+225206.400.1.2 1552949218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXinerama-1.1.4-alt1 sisyphus+223149.300.2.1 1551268216 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: netpbm-10.85.04-alt1 sisyphus+225727.140.8.1 1553672199 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:08 rpmi: libXcomposite-0.4.5-alt1 sisyphus+225206.300.1.2 1552949137 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: liblz4-1:1.9.2-alt1 p9+238696.500.1.1 1570228299 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libgpg-error-1.36-alt1 sisyphus+225621.300.1.1 1553521082 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libgcrypt20-1.8.5-alt3 p9+239665.100.7.1 1586364779 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libsystemd-1:243.9-alt1 p9+258476.300.4.1 1601997172 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libdbus-1.12.16-alt2 p9+240607.100.1.1 1573553687 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libavahi-0.8-alt1 p9+258828.100.4.1 1601912063 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libcups-2.3.1-alt1 p9+247593.200.5.1 1585155229 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libxslt-1.1.33-alt1 sisyphus+226936.100.1.1 1554820937 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libgraphite2-1.3.13-alt2 sisyphus+226799.100.1.1 1554648241 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1 p9+238790.200.1.1 1570435826 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: libfreetype-2.10.1-alt1.1.p9 p9+257445.200.2.1 1599282976 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:09 rpmi: fontconfig-2.13.1-alt1 p9+247340.200.3.1 1583400517 installed Updating fonts cache: <29>Oct 11 10:27:10 fontconfig: Updating fonts cache: succeeded [ DONE ] <13>Oct 11 10:27:10 rpmi: libcairo-1:1.16.0-alt1 sisyphus+226534.100.2.3 1554515535 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:10 rpmi: libXft-2.3.3-alt1 sisyphus+225206.1000.3.2 1552987708 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:10 rpmi: libpango-1.44.6-alt1 p9+237353.700.2.2 1568374131 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:10 rpmi: libgtk+2-2.24.32-alt3 sisyphus+227306.100.1.3 1555646092 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:10 rpmi: libgd3-2.2.5-alt3 sisyphus+226800.200.2.1 1554649317 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: libgs-9.27-alt1.M90P.1 p9+258832.300.4.1 1601632201 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: libglade-2.6.4-alt5.qa1 1366416177 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: liblasi-1.1.2-alt1.qa1 1460141148 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: librsvg-1:2.46.4-alt1 p9+248366.400.6.1 1587062978 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: libgraphviz-2.41.2-alt4 p9+259365.100.2.1 1602278891 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: libpangox-compat-0.0.2-alt1 1465069388 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:11 rpmi: libgtkglext-1.2.0-alt4 1526376551 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:12 rpmi: perl-Tk-804.034-alt1.2 sisyphus+219907.4300.1.1 1548346044 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:12 rpmi: libtk-8.6.9-alt1 sisyphus+227145.200.1.2 1555606681 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:12 rpmi: tk-8.6.9-alt1 sisyphus+227145.200.1.2 1555606681 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:12 rpmi: fonts-type1-urw-3:1.0.7pre44-alt3 sisyphus+224082.100.2.1 1552406640 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: ghostscript-common-9.27-alt1.M90P.1 p9+258832.300.4.1 1601632175 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: ghostscript-classic-9.27-alt1.M90P.1 p9+258832.300.4.1 1601632201 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: ghostscript-module-X-9.27-alt1.M90P.1 p9+258832.300.4.1 1601632201 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: ttf2pt1-3.4.4-alt1.qa1 1366267507 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: gcc-fortran-common-1.4.23-alt1 sisyphus+221902.2500.4.1 1550596716 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:13 rpmi: libgfortran8-devel-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:14 rpmi: gcc8-fortran-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:14 rpmi: gcc-c++-common-1.4.23-alt1 sisyphus+221902.2500.4.1 1550596716 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:14 rpmi: libstdc++8-devel-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: gcc8-c++-8.4.1-alt0.p9.1 p9+247559.100.2.1 1585587912 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: ed-1:0.2-alt10 1449768440 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libdialog-1.3.20171209-alt1 1529583087 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: dialog-1.3.20171209-alt1 1529583087 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libruby-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580214 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libp11-kit-0.23.15-alt2 p9+254920.2400.19.1 1601385903 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libtasn1-4.14-alt1 p9+235792.100.2.1 1565425233 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.2-alt1 sisyphus+229134.100.1.1 1557342721 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.1-alt1 sisyphus+226946.100.1.1 1554830426 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.1-alt1 sisyphus+226946.100.1.1 1554830426 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: ca-certificates-2020.06.29-alt1 p9+258899.100.3.1 1601998604 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: ca-trust-0.1.2-alt1 p9+233349.100.1.1 1561655062 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-0.23.15-alt2 p9+254920.2400.19.1 1601385903 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libcrypto1.1-1.1.1g-alt1 p9+250580.100.5.1 1588175266 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libssl1.1-1.1.1g-alt1 p9+250580.100.5.1 1588175266 installed <86>Oct 11 10:27:15 groupadd[1391350]: group added to /etc/group: name=_keytab, GID=499 <86>Oct 11 10:27:15 groupadd[1391350]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=_keytab <86>Oct 11 10:27:15 groupadd[1391350]: new group: name=_keytab, GID=499 <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libkrb5-1.17.1-alt1 p9+242852.100.2.1 1576572639 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: libpython3-3.7.4-alt3 p9+249932.100.2.1 1587127349 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:15 rpmi: python3-3.7.4-alt3 p9+249932.100.2.1 1587127349 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python3-base-3.7.4-alt3 p9+249932.100.2.1 1587127349 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: libtirpc-1.0.3-alt1 1532008017 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: libnsl2-1.1.0-alt1_1 1511548749 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-encodings-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-compiler-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-email-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-unittest-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-nis-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-xml-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-ctypes-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-module-six-1.12.0-alt1 sisyphus+219665.100.2.1 1548148570 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-module-pkg_resources-1:40.8.0-alt2 sisyphus+229158.200.2.1 1557735221 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-multiprocessing-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-logging-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-json-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-modules-hotshot-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:16 rpmi: python-module-webencodings-0.5.1-alt1.1 1517943573 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-chardet-3.0.4-alt1 sisyphus+227476.1700.1.2 1555756717 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-tools-2to3-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-future-0.16.0-alt2 sisyphus+228356.200.3.3 1556645013 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-pyglet-1.3.0-alt4.a1.hg20150730.1.1.1 1460413686 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-whoosh-2.7.4-alt1 1527697941 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-modules-bsddb-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-strict-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867164 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-modules-distutils-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-numpy-1:1.15.4-alt5 p9+255957.40.47.1 1599835883 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-cssselect-0.9.1-alt1.2 sisyphus+227479.1100.1.2 1555757152 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-html5lib-1:0.999999999-alt4.qa1 sisyphus+227493.600.1.3 1555835341 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-lxml-4.4.2-alt1 p9+244111.100.1.1 1578758819 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-docutils-0.14-alt2 1535729778 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-idna-2.8-alt1 sisyphus+227494.400.1.3 1555838720 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-pycparser-2.19-alt1 sisyphus+228366.1000.2.3 1556706938 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-cffi-1.12.3-alt1 sisyphus+229040.200.3.1 1557316452 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-asn1crypto-0.24.0-alt1 sisyphus+227473.1300.1.2 1555756512 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:17 rpmi: python-module-ntlm-1.1.0-alt1.2 sisyphus+228512.100.1.1 1556654575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-pytz-1:2016.10-alt1 1484291011 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-babel-1:2.6.0-alt1 sisyphus+228351.2400.6.2 1556652168 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-PyStemmer-1.0.1-alt1.2.1 1321388303 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-snowballstemmer-1.2.0-alt2.1 1457859319 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-simplejson-3.15.0-alt1.qa1 sisyphus+225625.16100.91.1 1555292381 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-ipaddress-1.0.18-alt1.1 sisyphus+227494.1700.1.3 1555839523 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-cryptography-2.6.1-alt1 sisyphus+225625.24400.91.1 1555298600 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-OpenSSL-18.0.0-alt1 1532996168 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-ndg-0.4.2-alt1.qa1 sisyphus+227504.1300.1.2 1555853234 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-ndg-httpsclient-0.4.2-alt1.qa1 sisyphus+227504.1300.1.2 1555853234 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-backports- 1517645428 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-backports.ssl_match_hostname- 1517645428 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-urllib3-2:1.25.6-alt1 p9+250567.200.5.1 1590420860 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-requests-2.23.0-alt1 p9+250567.400.5.1 1590420890 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-typing-3.6.6-alt2 sisyphus+220108.100.1.1 1548749697 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-markupsafe-0.23-alt1.2.1.1 sisyphus+225625.12200.91.1 1555289337 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-jinja2-2.10-alt1 1521724576 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-modules-sqlite3-2.7.16-alt1.M90P.1 p9+244933.100.1.1 1579867218 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-SQLAlchemy-1.2.15-alt1 sisyphus+225625.4500.91.1 1555284142 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-py-1.8.0-alt2 sisyphus+228349.1400.4.1 1556631070 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:18 rpmi: python-module-mpmath-0.19-alt1.git20150621. sisyphus+227503.2100.1.3 1555860908 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-sympy-1:1.1.1-alt1.1.1 sisyphus+228334.100.1.1 1556542452 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-sympy-tests-1:1.1.1-alt1.1.1 sisyphus+228334.100.1.1 1556542452 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-xapian-1.4.15-alt1 p9+258827.200.2.1 1601308077 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.0.1-alt5 p9+247680.340.15.1 1585331199 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-alabaster-0.7.6-alt3 sisyphus+228351.700.4.1 1556637370 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:19 rpmi: python-module-Pygments-2.2.0-alt2 1526455576 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: python-module-sphinx-1:1.6.5-alt8 p9+250806.100.2.1 1588178467 installed <86>Oct 11 10:27:20 groupadd[1398341]: group added to /etc/group: name=sasl, GID=498 <86>Oct 11 10:27:20 groupadd[1398341]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=sasl <86>Oct 11 10:27:20 groupadd[1398341]: new group: name=sasl, GID=498 <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: libsasl2-3-2.1.27-alt2.1 p9+256192.100.1.1 1597226720 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: libldap-2.4.48-alt3 p9+238817.100.1.1 1570449122 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: libcurl-7.71.0-alt1 p9+253931.100.3.1 1595484167 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: openssl-1.1.1g-alt1 p9+250580.100.5.1 1588175266 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: ruby-rubygems-update-3.0.4-alt1 p9+247371.35300.135.1 1590436206 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: gem-did-you-mean-1.3.0-alt2.1 p9+247371.40400.161.1 1591376055 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: gem-minitest-5.14.0-alt1.1 p9+247371.67710.170.1 1592235999 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: ruby-net-telnet-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+219345.2700.8.1 1547631566 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: gem-rake-13.0.1-alt1 p9+247371.77140.170.1 1592237858 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: ruby-xmlrpc-0.3.0-alt1 sisyphus+219345.3300.8.1 1547631818 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: gem-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580197 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: ri-6.1.1-alt3 sisyphus+220149.7500.44.1 1552167568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: rdoc-6.1.1-alt3 sisyphus+220149.7500.44.1 1552167568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: ruby-rdoc-6.1.1-alt3 sisyphus+220149.7500.44.1 1552167568 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: rake-13.0.1-alt1 p9+247371.77140.170.1 1592237858 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: erb-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580197 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:20 rpmi: irb-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580197 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: gem-bundler-2.1.4-alt1 p9+247371.33100.135.1 1590435793 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: gem-test-unit-3.3.5-alt0.1 p9+247371.60440.162.1 1591424158 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: gem-power-assert-1.1.7-alt1 p9+247371.60200.162.1 1591424056 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580214 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: bundle-2.1.4-alt1 p9+247371.33100.135.1 1590435793 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: ruby-2.5.5-alt3 p9+231429.100.1.1 1559580214 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:21 rpmi: perl-Net-SSLeay-1.86_09-alt2 sisyphus+227568.100.1.1 1555676542 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.066-alt1 sisyphus+223890.100.1.1 1551873760 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-Net-HTTPS-6.18-alt1 1526560501 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-LWP-Protocol-https-6.07-alt1 1494527383 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04-alt1 1479470835 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-MailTools-2.20-alt1 1517533205 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-MIME-Lite-3.030-alt1 1383865152 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-Log-Dispatch-2.68-alt2 sisyphus.218872.100 1546338428 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: perl-Log-Log4perl-1.49-alt1 1489613295 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: gambit-4.9.3-alt1 sisyphus+220998.100.1.4 1549742946 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12-alt1 1449527983 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: libnss-3.56.0-alt1 p9+254920.30.20.1 1601657872 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: libpoppler90-0.80.0-alt1 p9+237607.100.1.1 1568643084 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:22 rpmi: ghostscript-utils-9.27-alt1.M90P.1 p9+258832.300.4.1 1601632175 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:23 rpmi: texlive-2019-alt1_2 p9+238369.100.3.1 1569961575 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: texlive-collection-basic-2018-alt1_5 sisyphus+226263.100.1.1 1554169804 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: gcc-c++-8-alt2 p9+246536.100.3.1 1582643803 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: gcc-fortran-8-alt2 p9+246536.100.3.1 1582643803 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: graphviz-2.41.2-alt4 p9+259365.100.2.1 1602278891 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: liblapack-devel-1:3.8.0-alt3 sisyphus+221521.100.1.1 1550134903 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:35 rpmi: tcsh-6.20.00-alt2 1503603381 installed <13>Oct 11 10:27:36 rpmi: doxygen-1:1.8.15-alt1 sisyphus+220984.100.1.2 1549663873 installed Building target platforms: i586 Building for target i586 Wrote: /usr/src/in/nosrpm/superlu4.0-4.3-alt8.nosrc.rpm Installing superlu4.0-4.3-alt8.src.rpm Building target platforms: i586 Building for target i586 Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.73234 + umask 022 + /bin/mkdir -p /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + rm -rf superlu4.0-4.3 + echo 'Source #0 (superlu_4.3.tar):' Source #0 (superlu_4.3.tar): + /bin/tar -xf /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/superlu_4.3.tar + cd superlu4.0-4.3 + /bin/chmod -c -Rf u+rwX,go-w . + install -m644 /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/clatm1.c /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/zlatm1.c /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/blaswrap.h TESTING/MATGEN + mkdir lib + exit 0 Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.5599 + umask 022 + /bin/mkdir -p /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd superlu4.0-4.3 + sed -i 's|(HOME)|/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3|' make.inc + sed -i 's|(LIBDIR)|/usr/lib|' make.inc + make install make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' ( cd INSTALL; make ) make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/INSTALL' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c dlamch.c dlamch.c: In function 'dlamch_': dlamch.c:100:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 'lsame_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] if (lsame_(cmach, "E")) { ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -c lsame.c lsame.c: In function 'lsame_': lsame.c:55:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (inta >= 129 && inta <= 137 || inta >= 145 && inta <= 153 || inta ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:56:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (inta >= 129 && inta <= 137 || inta >= 145 && inta <= 153 || inta ~~~~ >= 162 && inta <= 169) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:58:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (intb >= 129 && intb <= 137 || intb >= 145 && intb <= 153 || intb ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:59:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (intb >= 129 && intb <= 137 || intb >= 145 && intb <= 153 || intb ~~~~ >= 162 && intb <= 169) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -c dlamchtst.c dlamchtst.c:4:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main() ^~~~ g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -o testdlamch dlamch.o lsame.o dlamchtst.o gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c slamch.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -c slamchtst.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -o testslamch slamch.o lsame.o slamchtst.o gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c superlu_timer.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -c timertst.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -o testtimer superlu_timer.o timertst.o Testing machines parameters and timer csh install.csh make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/INSTALL' make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' + make lib make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' ( cd SRC; make ) make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/SRC' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgssv.c In file included from slu_sdefs.h:84, from sgssv.c:12: sgssv.c: In function 'sgssv': slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'AA' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ sgssv.c:139:18: note: 'AA' was declared here SuperMatrix *AA;/* A in SLU_NC format used by the factorization routine.*/ ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgssvx.c sgssvx.c: In function 'sgssvx': sgssvx.c:356:14: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] float diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_sdefs.h:84, from sgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ sgssvx.c:354:35: note: 'smlnum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_sdefs.h:84, from sgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ sgssvx.c:354:27: note: 'bignum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ssp_blas2.c ssp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_strsv': ssp_blas2.c:155:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strsv_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] strsv_("L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &Lval[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ strsep ssp_blas2.c:158:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sgemv_'; did you mean 'sgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] sgemv_("N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &Lval[luptr+nsupc], ^~~~~~ sgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ssp_blas3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgscon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c slangs.c slangs.c: In function 'slangs': slangs.c:116:12: warning: 'value' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return (value); ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgsequ.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c slaqgs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c spivotgrowth.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgsrfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgstrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgstrs.c sgstrs.c: In function 'sgstrs': sgstrs.c:191:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strsm_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] strsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, ^~~~~~ strsep sgstrs.c:194:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sgemm_'; did you mean 'gamma'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] sgemm_( "N", "N", &nrow, &nrhs, &nsupc, &alpha, ^~~~~~ gamma sgstrs.c:98:24: warning: unused variable 'incy' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ sgstrs.c:98:14: warning: unused variable 'incx' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c scopy_to_ucol.c scopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'scopy_to_ucol': scopy_to_ucol.c:77:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, UCOL, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ scopy_to_ucol.c:80:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, USUB, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ssnode_dfs.c ssnode_dfs.c: In function 'ssnode_dfs': ssnode_dfs.c:81:12: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ ssnode_dfs.c:94:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ssnode_bmod.c ssnode_bmod.c: In function 'ssnode_bmod': ssnode_bmod.c:97:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strsv_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] strsv_( "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ strsep ssnode_bmod.c:99:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sgemv_'; did you mean 'sgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] sgemv_( "N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ sgssvx ssnode_bmod.c:52:35: warning: unused variable 'iptr' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^~~~ ssnode_bmod.c:52:32: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c spanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c spanel_bmod.c spanel_bmod.c: In function 'spanel_bmod': spanel_bmod.c:224:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strsv_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] strsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ strsep spanel_bmod.c:271:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sgemv_'; did you mean 'sgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] sgemv_("N", &block_nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr1], ^~~~~~ sgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sreadhb.c sreadhb.c: In function 'sreadhb': sreadhb.c:181:29: warning: unused variable 'key' [-Wunused-variable] char buf[100], type[4], key[10]; ^~~ sreadhb.c: In function 'sReadValues': sreadhb.c:157:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c: In function 'sreadhb': sreadhb.c:187:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:199:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:207:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:208:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:214:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:215:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:216:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:229:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:231:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:233:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c:235:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadhb.c: In function 'ReadVector': sreadhb.c:137:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sreadrb.c sreadrb.c: In function 'sreadrb': sreadrb.c:181:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:186:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:193:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:194:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:200:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:201:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:202:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:203:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:215:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c:219:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c: In function 'ReadVector': sreadrb.c:130:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadrb.c: In function 'sReadValues': sreadrb.c:151:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sreadtriple.c sreadtriple.c: In function 'sreadtriple': sreadtriple.c:38:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d", n, nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadtriple.c:54:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d%f\n", &row[nz], &col[nz], &val[nz]); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sreadtriple.c: In function 'sreadrhs': sreadtriple.c:136:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%f\n", &b[i]); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c scolumn_dfs.c scolumn_dfs.c: In function 'scolumn_dfs': scolumn_dfs.c:133:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ scolumn_dfs.c:175:14: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c scolumn_bmod.c scolumn_bmod.c: In function 'scolumn_bmod': scolumn_bmod.c:219:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strsv_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] strsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ strsep scolumn_bmod.c:230:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sgemv_'; did you mean 'sgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] sgemv_( "N", &nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ sgssvx scolumn_bmod.c:273:6: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = sLUMemXpand(jcol, nextlu, LUSUP, &nzlumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c spivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c spruneL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c smemory.c smemory.c: In function 'sLUMemXpand': smemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'LLVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] switch ( mem_type ) { ^~~~~~ smemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'ULVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sutil.c sutil.c: In function 'sFillRHS': sutil.c:358:14: warning: variable 'Aval' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] float *Aval; ^~~~ sutil.c: At top level: sutil.c:464:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] print_float_vec(char *what, int n, float *vec) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c smyblas2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgsisx.c sgsisx.c: In function 'sgsisx': sgsisx.c:578:7: warning: suggest parentheses around operand of '!' or change '&' to '&&' or '!' to '~' [-Wparentheses] if ( !mc64 & equil ) { /* Only perform equilibration, no row perm */ ^~~~~ sgsisx.c:667:16: warning: unused variable 'rhs_work' [-Wunused-variable] float *rhs_work; ^~~~~~~~ sgsisx.c:413:14: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] float diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_sdefs.h:84, from sgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ sgsisx.c:411:35: note: 'smlnum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_sdefs.h:84, from sgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ sgsisx.c:411:27: note: 'bignum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sgsitrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sldperm.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_sdrop_row.c ilu_sdrop_row.c:25:12: warning: '_compare_' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] static int _compare_(const void *a, const void *b) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_ssnode_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_scolumn_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_spanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_scopy_to_ucol.c ilu_scopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'ilu_scopy_to_ucol': ilu_scopy_to_ucol.c:66:47: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dlamch_'; did you mean 'slamch_'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] register float d_max = 0.0, d_min = 1.0 / dlamch_("Safe minimum"); ^~~~~~~ slamch_ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_spivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sdiagonal.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c superlu_timer.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c util.c util.c: In function 'ilu_countnz': util.c:214:24: warning: variable 'irep' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int jlen, irep; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c memory.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c get_perm_c.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c mmd.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sp_coletree.c sp_coletree.c:243:6: warning: 'etdfs' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] void etdfs ( ^~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sp_preorder.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c sp_ienv.c sp_ienv.c: In function 'sp_ienv': sp_ienv.c:75:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'xerbla_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] xerbla_("sp_ienv", &i); ^~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c relax_snode.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c heap_relax_snode.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c colamd.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_relax_snode.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_heap_relax_snode.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c mark_relax.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c mc64ad.c mc64ad.c: In function 'mc64ad_': mc64ad.c:342:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:352:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:362:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:387:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:411:10: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:434:11: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:445:11: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:616:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Warning from MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:623:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" ****** Warning from MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d\n", info[1], ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:631:9: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] printf(" NUM = ", *num); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mc64ad.c: In function 'mc64bd_': mc64ad.c:1008:16: warning: 'jsp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] i0 = jperm[j]; ^ mc64ad.c:1010:11: warning: 'isp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] iperm[i__] = j; ^ mc64ad.c:775:15: warning: 'i0' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] jperm[j] = i0; ~~~~~~~~~^~~~ mc64ad.c: In function 'mc64ud_': mc64ad.c:2117:14: warning: 'ii' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] arp[j] = ii - ip[j] + 1; ~~~^~~~~~~ mc64ad.c:1963:11: warning: 'i__' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] int_t i__, j, k, j1, ii, kk, id0, id1, in1, in2, nfc, num0, num1, num2, ^~~ mc64ad.c: In function 'mc64wd_': mc64ad.c:2545:7: warning: 'jsp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] jperm[jsp] = isp; ^ mc64ad.c:2543:11: warning: 'isp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] i__ = irn[isp]; ^ mc64ad.c:2361:11: warning: 'k0' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] jperm[j] = k; ~~~~~~~~~^~~ mc64ad.c:2309:34: warning: 'i0' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] if (iperm[i__] != 0 || iperm[i0] == 0) { ^ mc64ad.c: In function 'mc64ad_': mc64ad.c:383:8: warning: 'k' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] if (*liw < k) { ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c qselect.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c lsame.c lsame.c: In function 'lsame_': lsame.c:68:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (inta >= 129 && inta <= 137 || inta >= 145 && inta <= 153 || inta ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:69:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (inta >= 129 && inta <= 137 || inta >= 145 && inta <= 153 || inta ~~~~ >= 162 && inta <= 169) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:71:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (intb >= 129 && intb <= 137 || intb >= 145 && intb <= 153 || intb ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsame.c:72:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (intb >= 129 && intb <= 137 || intb >= 145 && intb <= 153 || intb ~~~~ >= 162 && intb <= 169) ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c xerbla.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c slacon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c -DAdd_ slamch.c ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a \ sgssv.o sgssvx.o ssp_blas2.o ssp_blas3.o sgscon.o slangs.o sgsequ.o slaqgs.o spivotgrowth.o sgsrfs.o sgstrf.o sgstrs.o scopy_to_ucol.o ssnode_dfs.o ssnode_bmod.o spanel_dfs.o spanel_bmod.o sreadhb.o sreadrb.o sreadtriple.o scolumn_dfs.o scolumn_bmod.o spivotL.o spruneL.o smemory.o sutil.o smyblas2.o sgsisx.o sgsitrf.o sldperm.o ilu_sdrop_row.o ilu_ssnode_dfs.o ilu_scolumn_dfs.o ilu_spanel_dfs.o ilu_scopy_to_ucol.o ilu_spivotL.o sdiagonal.o superlu_timer.o util.o memory.o get_perm_c.o mmd.o sp_coletree.o sp_preorder.o sp_ienv.o relax_snode.o heap_relax_snode.o colamd.o ilu_relax_snode.o ilu_heap_relax_snode.o mark_relax.o mc64ad.o qselect.o lsame.o xerbla.o slacon.o slamch.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgssv.c In file included from slu_ddefs.h:84, from dgssv.c:12: dgssv.c: In function 'dgssv': slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'AA' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ dgssv.c:139:18: note: 'AA' was declared here SuperMatrix *AA;/* A in SLU_NC format used by the factorization routine.*/ ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgssvx.c dgssvx.c: In function 'dgssvx': dgssvx.c:356:15: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] double diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_ddefs.h:84, from dgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ dgssvx.c:354:36: note: 'smlnum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_ddefs.h:84, from dgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ dgssvx.c:354:28: note: 'bignum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dsp_blas2.c dsp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_dtrsv': dsp_blas2.c:155:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dtrsv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dtrsv_("L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &Lval[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ dgssvx dsp_blas2.c:158:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dgemv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dgemv_("N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &Lval[luptr+nsupc], ^~~~~~ dgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dsp_blas3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgscon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dlangs.c dlangs.c: In function 'dlangs': dlangs.c:116:12: warning: 'value' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return (value); ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgsequ.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dlaqgs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dpivotgrowth.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgsrfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgstrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgstrs.c dgstrs.c: In function 'dgstrs': dgstrs.c:191:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dtrsm_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, ^~~~~~ strsep dgstrs.c:194:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dgemm_'; did you mean 'dreml'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dgemm_( "N", "N", &nrow, &nrhs, &nsupc, &alpha, ^~~~~~ dreml dgstrs.c:98:24: warning: unused variable 'incy' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ dgstrs.c:98:14: warning: unused variable 'incx' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dcopy_to_ucol.c dcopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'dcopy_to_ucol': dcopy_to_ucol.c:77:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, UCOL, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ dcopy_to_ucol.c:80:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, USUB, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dsnode_dfs.c dsnode_dfs.c: In function 'dsnode_dfs': dsnode_dfs.c:81:12: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ dsnode_dfs.c:94:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dsnode_bmod.c dsnode_bmod.c: In function 'dsnode_bmod': dsnode_bmod.c:97:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dtrsv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dtrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ dgssvx dsnode_bmod.c:99:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dgemv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dgemv_( "N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ dgssvx dsnode_bmod.c:52:35: warning: unused variable 'iptr' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^~~~ dsnode_bmod.c:52:32: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dpanel_bmod.c dpanel_bmod.c: In function 'dpanel_bmod': dpanel_bmod.c:224:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dtrsv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dtrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ dgssvx dpanel_bmod.c:271:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dgemv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dgemv_("N", &block_nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr1], ^~~~~~ dgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dreadhb.c dreadhb.c: In function 'dreadhb': dreadhb.c:181:29: warning: unused variable 'key' [-Wunused-variable] char buf[100], type[4], key[10]; ^~~ dreadhb.c: In function 'dReadValues': dreadhb.c:157:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c: In function 'dreadhb': dreadhb.c:187:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:199:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:207:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:208:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:214:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:215:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:216:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:229:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:231:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:233:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c:235:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadhb.c: In function 'ReadVector': dreadhb.c:137:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dreadrb.c dreadrb.c: In function 'dreadrb': dreadrb.c:181:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:186:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:193:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:194:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:200:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:201:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:202:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:203:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:215:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c:219:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c: In function 'ReadVector': dreadrb.c:130:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadrb.c: In function 'dReadValues': dreadrb.c:151:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dreadtriple.c dreadtriple.c: In function 'dreadtriple': dreadtriple.c:38:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d", n, nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadtriple.c:54:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d%lf\n", &row[nz], &col[nz], &val[nz]); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreadtriple.c: In function 'dreadrhs': dreadtriple.c:136:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%lf\n", &b[i]); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dcolumn_dfs.c dcolumn_dfs.c: In function 'dcolumn_dfs': dcolumn_dfs.c:133:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ dcolumn_dfs.c:175:14: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dcolumn_bmod.c dcolumn_bmod.c: In function 'dcolumn_bmod': dcolumn_bmod.c:219:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dtrsv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dtrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ dgssvx dcolumn_bmod.c:230:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dgemv_'; did you mean 'dgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dgemv_( "N", &nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ dgssvx dcolumn_bmod.c:273:6: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = dLUMemXpand(jcol, nextlu, LUSUP, &nzlumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dpruneL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dmemory.c dmemory.c: In function 'dLUMemXpand': dmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'LLVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] switch ( mem_type ) { ^~~~~~ dmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'ULVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dutil.c dutil.c: In function 'dFillRHS': dutil.c:358:15: warning: variable 'Aval' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] double *Aval; ^~~~ dutil.c: At top level: dutil.c:464:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] print_double_vec(char *what, int n, double *vec) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dmyblas2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgsisx.c dgsisx.c: In function 'dgsisx': dgsisx.c:578:7: warning: suggest parentheses around operand of '!' or change '&' to '&&' or '!' to '~' [-Wparentheses] if ( !mc64 & equil ) { /* Only perform equilibration, no row perm */ ^~~~~ dgsisx.c:667:17: warning: unused variable 'rhs_work' [-Wunused-variable] double *rhs_work; ^~~~~~~~ dgsisx.c:413:15: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] double diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_ddefs.h:84, from dgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ dgsisx.c:411:36: note: 'smlnum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_ddefs.h:84, from dgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ dgsisx.c:411:28: note: 'bignum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dgsitrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dldperm.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_ddrop_row.c ilu_ddrop_row.c:25:12: warning: '_compare_' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] static int _compare_(const void *a, const void *b) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_dsnode_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_dcolumn_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_dpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_dcopy_to_ucol.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_dpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ddiagonal.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dlacon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -c -DAdd_ dlamch.c ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a \ dgssv.o dgssvx.o dsp_blas2.o dsp_blas3.o dgscon.o dlangs.o dgsequ.o dlaqgs.o dpivotgrowth.o dgsrfs.o dgstrf.o dgstrs.o dcopy_to_ucol.o dsnode_dfs.o dsnode_bmod.o dpanel_dfs.o dpanel_bmod.o dreadhb.o dreadrb.o dreadtriple.o dcolumn_dfs.o dcolumn_bmod.o dpivotL.o dpruneL.o dmemory.o dutil.o dmyblas2.o dgsisx.o dgsitrf.o dldperm.o ilu_ddrop_row.o ilu_dsnode_dfs.o ilu_dcolumn_dfs.o ilu_dpanel_dfs.o ilu_dcopy_to_ucol.o ilu_dpivotL.o ddiagonal.o superlu_timer.o util.o memory.o get_perm_c.o mmd.o sp_coletree.o sp_preorder.o sp_ienv.o relax_snode.o heap_relax_snode.o colamd.o ilu_relax_snode.o ilu_heap_relax_snode.o mark_relax.o mc64ad.o qselect.o lsame.o xerbla.o dlacon.o dlamch.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c scomplex.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgssv.c In file included from slu_cdefs.h:84, from cgssv.c:12: cgssv.c: In function 'cgssv': slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'AA' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ cgssv.c:139:18: note: 'AA' was declared here SuperMatrix *AA;/* A in SLU_NC format used by the factorization routine.*/ ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgssvx.c cgssvx.c: In function 'cgssvx': cgssvx.c:356:14: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] float diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_cdefs.h:84, from cgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ cgssvx.c:354:35: note: 'smlnum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_cdefs.h:84, from cgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ cgssvx.c:354:27: note: 'bignum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c csp_blas2.c csp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_ctrsv': csp_blas2.c:159:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ctrsv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ctrsv_("L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &Lval[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ cgssvx csp_blas2.c:162:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'cgemv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] cgemv_("N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &Lval[luptr+nsupc], ^~~~~~ cgssvx csp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_cgemv': csp_blas2.c:488:27: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] c_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) && gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c csp_blas3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgscon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c clangs.c clangs.c: In function 'clangs': clangs.c:116:12: warning: 'value' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return (value); ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgsequ.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c claqgs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cpivotgrowth.c cpivotgrowth.c: In function 'cPivotGrowth': cpivotgrowth.c:63:15: warning: unused variable 'temp_comp' [-Wunused-variable] complex temp_comp; ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgsrfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgstrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgstrs.c cgstrs.c: In function 'cgstrs': cgstrs.c:193:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ctrsm_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ctrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, ^~~~~~ strsep cgstrs.c:196:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'cgemm_'; did you mean 'gamma'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] cgemm_( "N", "N", &nrow, &nrhs, &nsupc, &alpha, ^~~~~~ gamma cgstrs.c:98:24: warning: unused variable 'incy' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ cgstrs.c:98:14: warning: unused variable 'incx' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ cgstrs.c: In function 'cprint_soln': cgstrs.c:349:21: warning: format '%f' expects argument of type 'double', but argument 3 has type 'complex' {aka 'struct '} [-Wformat=] printf("\t%d: %.4f\n", i, soln[i]); ~~~^ ~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ccopy_to_ucol.c ccopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'ccopy_to_ucol': ccopy_to_ucol.c:77:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, UCOL, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ ccopy_to_ucol.c:80:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, USUB, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c csnode_dfs.c csnode_dfs.c: In function 'csnode_dfs': csnode_dfs.c:81:12: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ csnode_dfs.c:94:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c csnode_bmod.c csnode_bmod.c: In function 'csnode_bmod': csnode_bmod.c:98:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ctrsv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ctrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ cgssvx csnode_bmod.c:100:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'cgemv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] cgemv_( "N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ cgssvx csnode_bmod.c:53:35: warning: unused variable 'iptr' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^~~~ csnode_bmod.c:53:32: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cpanel_bmod.c cpanel_bmod.c: In function 'cpanel_bmod': cpanel_bmod.c:238:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ctrsv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ctrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ cgssvx cpanel_bmod.c:285:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'cgemv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] cgemv_("N", &block_nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr1], ^~~~~~ cgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c creadhb.c creadhb.c: In function 'creadhb': creadhb.c:191:29: warning: unused variable 'key' [-Wunused-variable] char buf[100], type[4], key[10]; ^~~ creadhb.c: In function 'cReadValues': creadhb.c:159:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c: In function 'creadhb': creadhb.c:197:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:209:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:218:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:224:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:225:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:226:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:227:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:239:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:241:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:243:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c:245:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadhb.c: In function 'ReadVector': creadhb.c:137:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c creadrb.c creadrb.c: In function 'creadrb': creadrb.c:190:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:195:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:202:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:203:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:209:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:210:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:211:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:212:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:224:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:226:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c:228:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c: In function 'ReadVector': creadrb.c:130:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadrb.c: In function 'cReadValues': creadrb.c:152:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c creadtriple.c creadtriple.c: In function 'creadtriple': creadtriple.c:38:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d", n, nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadtriple.c:54:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d%f%f\n", &row[nz], &col[nz], &val[nz].r, &val[nz].i); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ creadtriple.c: In function 'creadrhs': creadtriple.c:136:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%f%f\n", &b[i].r, &b[i].i); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ccolumn_dfs.c ccolumn_dfs.c: In function 'ccolumn_dfs': ccolumn_dfs.c:133:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ ccolumn_dfs.c:175:14: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ccolumn_bmod.c ccolumn_bmod.c: In function 'ccolumn_bmod': ccolumn_bmod.c:232:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ctrsv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ctrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ cgssvx ccolumn_bmod.c:243:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'cgemv_'; did you mean 'cgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] cgemv_( "N", &nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ cgssvx ccolumn_bmod.c:286:6: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = cLUMemXpand(jcol, nextlu, LUSUP, &nzlumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cpruneL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cmemory.c cmemory.c: In function 'cLUMemXpand': cmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'LLVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] switch ( mem_type ) { ^~~~~~ cmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'ULVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cutil.c cutil.c: In function 'cFillRHS': cutil.c:360:16: warning: variable 'Aval' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] complex *Aval; ^~~~ cutil.c: At top level: cutil.c:468:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] print_complex_vec(char *what, int n, complex *vec) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cmyblas2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgsisx.c cgsisx.c: In function 'cgsisx': cgsisx.c:578:7: warning: suggest parentheses around operand of '!' or change '&' to '&&' or '!' to '~' [-Wparentheses] if ( !mc64 & equil ) { /* Only perform equilibration, no row perm */ ^~~~~ cgsisx.c:667:18: warning: unused variable 'rhs_work' [-Wunused-variable] complex *rhs_work; ^~~~~~~~ cgsisx.c:413:14: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] float diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_cdefs.h:84, from cgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ cgsisx.c:411:35: note: 'smlnum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_cdefs.h:84, from cgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ cgsisx.c:411:27: note: 'bignum' was declared here float amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cgsitrf.c cgsitrf.c: In function 'cgsitrf': cgsitrf.c:229:11: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] float one = 1.0; ^~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cldperm.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_cdrop_row.c ilu_cdrop_row.c: In function 'ilu_cdrop_row': ilu_cdrop_row.c:186:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'scopy_'; did you mean 'ccopy_'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] scopy_(&len, swork, &i_1, swork2, &i_1); ^~~~~~ ccopy_ ilu_cdrop_row.c:75:13: warning: unused variable 'zero' [-Wunused-variable] complex zero = {0.0, 0.0}; ^~~~ At top level: ilu_cdrop_row.c:25:12: warning: '_compare_' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] static int _compare_(const void *a, const void *b) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_csnode_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_ccolumn_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_cpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.c ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'ilu_ccopy_to_ucol': ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.c:66:47: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dlamch_'; did you mean 'slamch_'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] register float d_max = 0.0, d_min = 1.0 / dlamch_("Safe minimum"); ^~~~~~~ slamch_ ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.c:183:11: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] sum->r += tmp; ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_cpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c cdiagonal.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c clacon.c clacon.c: In function 'clacon_': clacon.c:157:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ccopy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ccopy_(n, x, &c__1, v, &c__1); ^~~~~~ clacon.c:163:1: warning: label 'L90' defined but not used [-Wunused-label] L90: ^~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c scsum1.c scsum1.c: In function 'scsum1_': scsum1.c:46:15: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int i__1, i__2; ^~~~ scsum1.c:46:9: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int i__1, i__2; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c icmax1.c icmax1.c: In function 'icmax1_': icmax1.c:53:24: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int ret_val, i__1, i__2; ^~~~ icmax1.c:53:18: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int ret_val, i__1, i__2; ^~~~ ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a \ scomplex.o cgssv.o cgssvx.o csp_blas2.o csp_blas3.o cgscon.o clangs.o cgsequ.o claqgs.o cpivotgrowth.o cgsrfs.o cgstrf.o cgstrs.o ccopy_to_ucol.o csnode_dfs.o csnode_bmod.o cpanel_dfs.o cpanel_bmod.o creadhb.o creadrb.o creadtriple.o ccolumn_dfs.o ccolumn_bmod.o cpivotL.o cpruneL.o cmemory.o cutil.o cmyblas2.o cgsisx.o cgsitrf.o cldperm.o ilu_cdrop_row.o ilu_csnode_dfs.o ilu_ccolumn_dfs.o ilu_cpanel_dfs.o ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.o ilu_cpivotL.o cdiagonal.o superlu_timer.o util.o memory.o get_perm_c.o mmd.o sp_coletree.o sp_preorder.o sp_ienv.o relax_snode.o heap_relax_snode.o colamd.o ilu_relax_snode.o ilu_heap_relax_snode.o mark_relax.o mc64ad.o qselect.o lsame.o xerbla.o clacon.o scsum1.o icmax1.o slamch.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dcomplex.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgssv.c In file included from slu_zdefs.h:84, from zgssv.c:12: zgssv.c: In function 'zgssv': slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'AA' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ zgssv.c:139:18: note: 'AA' was declared here SuperMatrix *AA;/* A in SLU_NC format used by the factorization routine.*/ ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgssvx.c zgssvx.c: In function 'zgssvx': zgssvx.c:356:15: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] double diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_zdefs.h:84, from zgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ zgssvx.c:354:36: note: 'smlnum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_zdefs.h:84, from zgssvx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ zgssvx.c:354:28: note: 'bignum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zsp_blas2.c zsp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_ztrsv': zsp_blas2.c:159:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ztrsv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ztrsv_("L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &Lval[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ zgssvx zsp_blas2.c:162:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zgemv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zgemv_("N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &Lval[luptr+nsupc], ^~~~~~ zgssvx zsp_blas2.c: In function 'sp_zgemv': zsp_blas2.c:488:27: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] z_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) && gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zsp_blas3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgscon.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zlangs.c zlangs.c: In function 'zlangs': zlangs.c:116:12: warning: 'value' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return (value); ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgsequ.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zlaqgs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zpivotgrowth.c zpivotgrowth.c: In function 'zPivotGrowth': zpivotgrowth.c:63:21: warning: unused variable 'temp_comp' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex temp_comp; ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgsrfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgstrf.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgstrs.c zgstrs.c: In function 'zgstrs': zgstrs.c:193:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ztrsm_'; did you mean 'strsep'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, ^~~~~~ strsep zgstrs.c:196:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zgemm_'; did you mean 'gamma'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zgemm_( "N", "N", &nrow, &nrhs, &nsupc, &alpha, ^~~~~~ gamma zgstrs.c:98:24: warning: unused variable 'incy' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ zgstrs.c:98:14: warning: unused variable 'incx' [-Wunused-variable] int incx = 1, incy = 1; ^~~~ zgstrs.c: In function 'zprint_soln': zgstrs.c:349:21: warning: format '%f' expects argument of type 'double', but argument 3 has type 'doublecomplex' {aka 'struct '} [-Wformat=] printf("\t%d: %.4f\n", i, soln[i]); ~~~^ ~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zcopy_to_ucol.c zcopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'zcopy_to_ucol': zcopy_to_ucol.c:77:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, UCOL, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ zcopy_to_ucol.c:80:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextu, USUB, &nzumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zsnode_dfs.c zsnode_dfs.c: In function 'zsnode_dfs': zsnode_dfs.c:81:12: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ zsnode_dfs.c:94:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zsnode_bmod.c zsnode_bmod.c: In function 'zsnode_bmod': zsnode_bmod.c:98:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ztrsv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ztrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ zgssvx zsnode_bmod.c:100:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zgemv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zgemv_( "N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr, ^~~~~~ zgssvx zsnode_bmod.c:53:35: warning: unused variable 'iptr' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^~~~ zsnode_bmod.c:53:32: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] int isub, irow, i, iptr; ^ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zpanel_bmod.c zpanel_bmod.c: In function 'zpanel_bmod': zpanel_bmod.c:238:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ztrsv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ztrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ zgssvx zpanel_bmod.c:285:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zgemv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zgemv_("N", &block_nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr1], ^~~~~~ zgssvx gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zreadhb.c zreadhb.c: In function 'zreadhb': zreadhb.c:191:29: warning: unused variable 'key' [-Wunused-variable] char buf[100], type[4], key[10]; ^~~ zreadhb.c: In function 'zReadValues': zreadhb.c:159:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c: In function 'zreadhb': zreadhb.c:197:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:209:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:217:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:218:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:224:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:225:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:226:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:227:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:239:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:241:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:243:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c:245:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadhb.c: In function 'ReadVector': zreadhb.c:137:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zreadrb.c zreadrb.c: In function 'zreadrb': zreadrb.c:190:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:195:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:202:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%3c", type); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:203:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:209:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:210:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:211:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:212:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:224:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:226:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c:228:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c: In function 'ReadVector': zreadrb.c:130:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadrb.c: In function 'zReadValues': zreadrb.c:152:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fgets(buf, 100, fp); /* read a line at a time */ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zreadtriple.c zreadtriple.c: In function 'zreadtriple': zreadtriple.c:38:5: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d", n, nonz); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadtriple.c:54:2: warning: ignoring return value of 'scanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] scanf("%d%d%lf%lf\n", &row[nz], &col[nz], &val[nz].r, &val[nz].i); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zreadtriple.c: In function 'zreadrhs': zreadtriple.c:136:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'fscanf', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fscanf(fp, "%lf%lf\n", &b[i].r, &b[i].i); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zcolumn_dfs.c zcolumn_dfs.c: In function 'zcolumn_dfs': zcolumn_dfs.c:133:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) ) ^~~~~~~~~ zcolumn_dfs.c:175:14: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if ( mem_error = ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zcolumn_bmod.c zcolumn_bmod.c: In function 'zcolumn_bmod': zcolumn_bmod.c:234:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ztrsv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ztrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &segsze, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ zgssvx zcolumn_bmod.c:245:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zgemv_'; did you mean 'zgssvx'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zgemv_( "N", &nrow, &segsze, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], ^~~~~~ zgssvx zcolumn_bmod.c:288:6: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextlu, LUSUP, &nzlumax, Glu)) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zpruneL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zmemory.c zmemory.c: In function 'zLUMemXpand': zmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'LLVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] switch ( mem_type ) { ^~~~~~ zmemory.c:444:5: warning: enumeration value 'ULVL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zutil.c zutil.c: In function 'zFillRHS': zutil.c:360:22: warning: variable 'Aval' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] doublecomplex *Aval; ^~~~ zutil.c: At top level: zutil.c:468:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] print_doublecomplex_vec(char *what, int n, doublecomplex *vec) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zmyblas2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgsisx.c zgsisx.c: In function 'zgsisx': zgsisx.c:578:7: warning: suggest parentheses around operand of '!' or change '&' to '&&' or '!' to '~' [-Wparentheses] if ( !mc64 & equil ) { /* Only perform equilibration, no row perm */ ^~~~~ zgsisx.c:667:24: warning: unused variable 'rhs_work' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *rhs_work; ^~~~~~~~ zgsisx.c:413:15: warning: variable 'diag_pivot_thresh' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] double diag_pivot_thresh; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from slu_zdefs.h:84, from zgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:67:46: warning: 'smlnum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ zgsisx.c:411:36: note: 'smlnum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ In file included from slu_zdefs.h:84, from zgsisx.c:12: slu_util.h:68:46: warning: 'bignum' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) ) ^ zgsisx.c:411:28: note: 'bignum' was declared here double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zgsitrf.c zgsitrf.c: In function 'zgsitrf': zgsitrf.c:229:12: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] double one = 1.0; ^~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zldperm.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zdrop_row.c ilu_zdrop_row.c: In function 'ilu_zdrop_row': ilu_zdrop_row.c:186:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dcopy_'; did you mean 'zcopy_'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dcopy_(&len, dwork, &i_1, dwork2, &i_1); ^~~~~~ zcopy_ ilu_zdrop_row.c:75:19: warning: unused variable 'zero' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex zero = {0.0, 0.0}; ^~~~ At top level: ilu_zdrop_row.c:25:12: warning: '_compare_' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] static int _compare_(const void *a, const void *b) ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zsnode_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zcolumn_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zpanel_dfs.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zcopy_to_ucol.c ilu_zcopy_to_ucol.c: In function 'ilu_zcopy_to_ucol': ilu_zcopy_to_ucol.c:183:11: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] sum->r += tmp; ^~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c ilu_zpivotL.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zdiagonal.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c zlacon.c zlacon.c: In function 'zlacon_': zlacon.c:157:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zcopy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zcopy_(n, x, &c__1, v, &c__1); ^~~~~~ zlacon.c:163:1: warning: label 'L90' defined but not used [-Wunused-label] L90: ^~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c dzsum1.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS -c izmax1.c izmax1.c: In function 'izmax1_': izmax1.c:51:24: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int ret_val, i__1, i__2; ^~~~ izmax1.c:51:18: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int ret_val, i__1, i__2; ^~~~ ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a \ dcomplex.o zgssv.o zgssvx.o zsp_blas2.o zsp_blas3.o zgscon.o zlangs.o zgsequ.o zlaqgs.o zpivotgrowth.o zgsrfs.o zgstrf.o zgstrs.o zcopy_to_ucol.o zsnode_dfs.o zsnode_bmod.o zpanel_dfs.o zpanel_bmod.o zreadhb.o zreadrb.o zreadtriple.o zcolumn_dfs.o zcolumn_bmod.o zpivotL.o zpruneL.o zmemory.o zutil.o zmyblas2.o zgsisx.o zgsitrf.o zldperm.o ilu_zdrop_row.o ilu_zsnode_dfs.o ilu_zcolumn_dfs.o ilu_zpanel_dfs.o ilu_zcopy_to_ucol.o ilu_zpivotL.o zdiagonal.o superlu_timer.o util.o memory.o get_perm_c.o mmd.o sp_coletree.o sp_preorder.o sp_ienv.o relax_snode.o heap_relax_snode.o colamd.o ilu_relax_snode.o ilu_heap_relax_snode.o mark_relax.o mc64ad.o qselect.o lsame.o xerbla.o zlacon.o dzsum1.o izmax1.o dlamch.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/SRC' ( cd TESTING/MATGEN; make ) make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatms.c slatms.c: In function 'slatms_': slatms.c:462:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym != 1 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatms.c:464:43: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ slatms.c:465:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ slatms.c:465:50: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ slatms.c:466:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~ != 0 && *m != *n) { ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatme.c slatme.c: In function 'slatme_': slatme.c:429:40: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 1 || *ku < *n - 1 && *kl < *n - 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatmr.c slatmr.c: In function 'slatmr_': slatmr.c:609:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || igrade >= 1 && ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:610:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || igrade >= 1 && ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ igrade <= 4 && isym == 0) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:625:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:626:19: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipvtng == 2) && isym == 0) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:632:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym == 0 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:637:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || (ipack == 1 || ipack == 2 || ipack == 5 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:637:58: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:638:46: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:641:57: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if ((ipack == 0 || ipack == 1 || ipack == 2) && *lda < max(1,*m) || slatmr.c:643:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] (ipack == 3 || ipack == 4) && *lda < 1 || (ipack == 5 || ipack == ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:643:42: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slatmr.c:1216:26: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*anorm > 1.f && onorm < 1.f || *anorm < 1.f && onorm > 1.f) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slagge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slagsy.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slarge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slaror.c slaror.c: In function 'slaror_': slaror.c:171:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*n < 0 || itype == 3 && *n != *m) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slarot.c slarot.c: In function 'slarot_': slarot.c:271:33: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*lda <= 0 || ! (*lrows) && *lda < *nl - nt) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatm2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatm3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatm1.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slaran.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slarnd.c slarnd.c: In function 'slarnd_': slarnd.c:89:12: warning: 'ret_val' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return ret_val; ^~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slaruv.c slaruv.c: In function 'slaruv_': slaruv.c:96:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slabad.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slarnv.c slarnv.c: In function 'slarnv_': slarnv.c:56:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slatb4.c slatb4.c: In function 'slatb4_': slatb4.c:116:5: warning: 'strncpy' specified bound 2 equals destination size [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy(c2, path + 1, 2); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slaset.c slaset.c: In function 'slaset_': slaset.c:65:37: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ slaset.c:65:31: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ slaset.c:65:21: warning: unused variable 'a_offset' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~~~~~ slaset.c:65:13: warning: unused variable 'a_dim1' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c slartg.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c r_lg10.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c r_sign.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c pow_dd.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c lsamen.c lsamen.c: In function 'lsamen_': lsamen.c:37:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1; ^~~~ ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a slatms.o slatme.o slatmr.o slagge.o slagsy.o slarge.o slaror.o slarot.o slatm2.o slatm3.o slatm1.o slaran.o slarnd.o slaruv.o slabad.o slarnv.o \ slatb4.o slaset.o slartg.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatms.c dlatms.c: In function 'dlatms_': dlatms.c:466:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym != 1 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatms.c:468:43: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatms.c:469:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ dlatms.c:469:50: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ dlatms.c:470:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~ != 0 && *m != *n) { ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatme.c dlatme.c: In function 'dlatme_': dlatme.c:435:40: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 1 || *ku < *n - 1 && *kl < *n - 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatmr.c dlatmr.c: In function 'dlatmr_': dlatmr.c:609:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || igrade >= 1 && ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:610:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || igrade >= 1 && ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ igrade <= 4 && isym == 0) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:625:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:626:19: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipvtng == 2) && isym == 0) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:632:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym == 0 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:637:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || (ipack == 1 || ipack == 2 || ipack == 5 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:637:58: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:638:46: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:641:57: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if ((ipack == 0 || ipack == 1 || ipack == 2) && *lda < max(1,*m) || dlatmr.c:643:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] (ipack == 3 || ipack == 4) && *lda < 1 || (ipack == 5 || ipack == ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:643:42: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dlatmr.c:1216:25: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*anorm > 1. && onorm < 1. || *anorm < 1. && onorm > 1.) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlagge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlagsy.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlarge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlaror.c dlaror.c: In function 'dlaror_': dlaror.c:175:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*n < 0 || itype == 3 && *n != *m) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlarot.c dlarot.c: In function 'dlarot_': dlarot.c:271:33: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*lda <= 0 || ! (*lrows) && *lda < *nl - nt) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatm2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatm3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatm1.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlaran.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlarnd.c dlarnd.c: In function 'dlarnd_': dlarnd.c:89:12: warning: 'ret_val' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] return ret_val; ^~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlaruv.c dlaruv.c: In function 'dlaruv_': dlaruv.c:96:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlabad.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlarnv.c dlarnv.c: In function 'dlarnv_': dlarnv.c:56:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlatb4.c dlatb4.c: In function 'dlatb4_': dlatb4.c:114:5: warning: 'strncpy' specified bound 2 equals destination size [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy(c2, path + 1, 2); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlaset.c dlaset.c: In function 'dlaset_': dlaset.c:61:19: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ dlaset.c:61:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c dlartg.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c d_lg10.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c d_sign.c ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a dlatms.o dlatme.o dlatmr.o dlagge.o dlagsy.o dlarge.o dlaror.o dlarot.o dlatm2.o dlatm3.o dlatm1.o dlaran.o dlarnd.o dlaruv.o dlabad.o dlarnv.o \ dlatb4.o dlaset.o dlartg.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatms.c clatms.c: In function 'clatms_': clatms.c:493:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym != 1 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatms.c:495:43: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ clatms.c:496:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ clatms.c:496:50: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ clatms.c:497:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~ != 0 && *m != *n) { ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatme.c clatme.c: In function 'clatme_': clatme.c:388:40: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 1 || *ku < *n - 1 && *kl < *n - 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatmr.c clatmr.c: In function 'clatmr_': clatmr.c:636:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || (igrade == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:637:64: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || (igrade == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 || igrade == 6) && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~ == 0 || (igrade == 1 || igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 ~~~~ clatmr.c:639:22: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 0 || (igrade == 1 || igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || igrade == 5) && isym == 2) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:655:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:656:19: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipvtng == 2) && (isym == 0 || isym == 2)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:662:52: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || (isym == 0 || isym == 2) && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:667:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || (ipack == 1 || ipack == 2 || ipack == 5 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:667:58: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:668:46: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:671:57: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if ((ipack == 0 || ipack == 1 || ipack == 2) && *lda < max(1,*m) || clatmr.c:673:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] (ipack == 3 || ipack == 4) && *lda < 1 || (ipack == 5 || ipack == ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:673:42: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clatmr.c:1434:26: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*anorm > 1.f && onorm < 1.f || *anorm < 1.f && onorm > 1.f) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clagge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clagsy.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clarge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c claror.c claror.c: In function 'claror_': claror.c:191:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*n < 0 || itype == 3 && *n != *m) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clarot.c clarot.c: In function 'clarot_': clarot.c:280:33: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*lda <= 0 || ! (*lrows) && *lda < *nl - nt) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatm2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatm3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c claghe.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clarnd.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c cdotc.c cdotc.c: In function 'cdotc_': cdotc.c:12:19: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ cdotc.c:12:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatm1.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clatb4.c clatb4.c: In function 'clatb4_': clatb4.c:117:5: warning: 'strncpy' specified bound 2 equals destination size [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy(c2, path + 1, 2); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c claset.c claset.c: In function 'claset_': claset.c:59:37: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ claset.c:59:31: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ claset.c:59:21: warning: unused variable 'a_offset' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clartg.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clarnv.c clarnv.c: In function 'clarnv_': clarnv.c:59:37: warning: variable 'i__5' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ clarnv.c:59:31: warning: variable 'i__4' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ clarnv.c:59:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c clacgv.c clacgv.c: In function 'clacgv_': clacgv.c:38:19: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ clacgv.c:38:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c csymv.c csymv.c: In function 'csymv_': csymv.c:140:55: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*n == 0 || alpha->r == 0.f && alpha->i == 0.f && (beta->r == 1.f && ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ beta->i == 0.f)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ csymv.c:105:55: warning: variable 'i__5' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ csymv.c:105:49: warning: variable 'i__4' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ csymv.c:105:43: warning: variable 'i__3' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ csymv.c:105:37: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ csymv.c:105:31: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ csymv.c:105:21: warning: unused variable 'a_offset' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~~~~~ ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a clatms.o clatme.o clatmr.o clagge.o clagsy.o clarge.o claror.o clarot.o clatm2.o clatm3.o claghe.o clarnd.o cdotc.o clatm1.o slatm1.o slaran.o slarnd.o slaruv.o slabad.o slarnv.o \ clatb4.o claset.o clartg.o clarnv.o clacgv.o csymv.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatms.c zlatms.c: In function 'zlatms_': zlatms.c:496:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || isym != 1 && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatms.c:498:43: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatms.c:499:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || isympk == 1 && isym == 1 || isympk == 2 && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ zlatms.c:499:50: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ zlatms.c:500:11: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 1 && *kl > 0 || isympk == 3 && isym == 1 && *ku > 0 || isympk ~~~~~~ != 0 && *m != *n) { ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatme.c zlatme.c: In function 'zlatme_': zlatme.c:392:40: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 1 || *ku < *n - 1 && *kl < *n - 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatmr.c zlatmr.c: In function 'zlatmr_': zlatmr.c:640:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || (igrade == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:641:64: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (igrade == -1 || igrade == 4 && *m != *n || (igrade == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 || igrade == 6) && isym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~ == 0 || (igrade == 1 || igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 ~~~~ zlatmr.c:643:22: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] == 0 || (igrade == 1 || igrade == 2 || igrade == 3 || igrade == 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || igrade == 5) && isym == 2) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:659:44: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:660:19: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipvtng == -1 || ipvtng == 3 && *m != *n || (ipvtng == 1 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipvtng == 2) && (isym == 0 || isym == 2)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:666:52: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*ku < 0 || (isym == 0 || isym == 2) && *kl != *ku) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:671:18: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (ipack == -1 || (ipack == 1 || ipack == 2 || ipack == 5 || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:671:58: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] ipack == 6) && isym == 1 || ipack == 3 && isym == 1 && (*kl != 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:672:46: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] || *m != *n) || ipack == 4 && isym == 1 && (*ku != 0 || *m != *n)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:675:57: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if ((ipack == 0 || ipack == 1 || ipack == 2) && *lda < max(1,*m) || zlatmr.c:677:10: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] (ipack == 3 || ipack == 4) && *lda < 1 || (ipack == 5 || ipack == ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:677:42: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] 6) && *lda < kuu + 1 || ipack == 7 && *lda < kll + kuu + 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlatmr.c:1438:25: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*anorm > 1. && onorm < 1. || *anorm < 1. && onorm > 1.) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlagge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlagsy.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlarge.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlaror.c zlaror.c: In function 'zlaror_': zlaror.c:196:37: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] } else if (*n < 0 || itype == 3 && *n != *m) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlarot.c zlarot.c: In function 'zlarot_': zlarot.c:280:33: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*lda <= 0 || ! (*lrows) && *lda < *nl - nt) { ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatm2.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatm3.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlaghe.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlarnd.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zdotc.c zdotc.c: In function 'zdotc_': zdotc.c:12:19: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ zdotc.c:12:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatm1.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlatb4.c zlatb4.c: In function 'zlatb4_': zlatb4.c:118:5: warning: 'strncpy' specified bound 2 equals destination size [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy(c2, path + 1, 2); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlaset.c zlaset.c: In function 'zlaset_': zlaset.c:60:37: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ zlaset.c:60:31: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~ zlaset.c:60:21: warning: unused variable 'a_offset' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; ^~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlartg.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlarnv.c zlarnv.c: In function 'zlarnv_': zlarnv.c:59:37: warning: variable 'i__5' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zlarnv.c:59:31: warning: variable 'i__4' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zlarnv.c:59:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zlacgv.c zlacgv.c: In function 'zlacgv_': zlacgv.c:38:19: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ zlacgv.c:38:13: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer i__1, i__2; ^~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -c zsymv.c zsymv.c: In function 'zsymv_': zsymv.c:140:53: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses] if (*n == 0 || alpha->r == 0. && alpha->i == 0. && (beta->r == 1. && ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ beta->i == 0.)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zsymv.c:105:55: warning: variable 'i__5' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zsymv.c:105:49: warning: variable 'i__4' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zsymv.c:105:43: warning: variable 'i__3' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zsymv.c:105:37: warning: variable 'i__2' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zsymv.c:105:31: warning: variable 'i__1' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~ zsymv.c:105:21: warning: unused variable 'a_offset' [-Wunused-variable] integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; ^~~~~~~~ ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a zlatms.o zlatme.o zlatmr.o zlagge.o zlagsy.o zlarge.o zlaror.o zlarot.o zlatm2.o zlatm3.o zlaghe.o zlarnd.o zdotc.o zlatm1.o dlatm1.o dlaran.o dlarnd.o dlaruv.o dlabad.o dlarnv.o \ zlatb4.o zlaset.o zlartg.o zlarnv.o zlacgv.o zsymv.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN' make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' + make testing make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' ( cd TESTING ; make ) make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING' (cd MATGEN; make) make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN' ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a slatms.o slatme.o slatmr.o slagge.o slagsy.o slarge.o slaror.o slarot.o slatm2.o slatm3.o slatm1.o slaran.o slarnd.o slaruv.o slabad.o slarnv.o \ slatb4.o slaset.o slartg.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a dlatms.o dlatme.o dlatmr.o dlagge.o dlagsy.o dlarge.o dlaror.o dlarot.o dlatm2.o dlatm3.o dlatm1.o dlaran.o dlarnd.o dlaruv.o dlabad.o dlarnv.o \ dlatb4.o dlaset.o dlartg.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a clatms.o clatme.o clatmr.o clagge.o clagsy.o clarge.o claror.o clarot.o clatm2.o clatm3.o claghe.o clarnd.o cdotc.o clatm1.o slatm1.o slaran.o slarnd.o slaruv.o slabad.o slarnv.o \ clatb4.o claset.o clartg.o clarnv.o clacgv.o csymv.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a ar cr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a zlatms.o zlatme.o zlatmr.o zlagge.o zlagsy.o zlarge.o zlaror.o zlarot.o zlatm2.o zlatm3.o zlaghe.o zlarnd.o zdotc.o zlatm1.o dlatm1.o dlaran.o dlarnd.o dlaruv.o dlabad.o dlarnv.o \ zlatb4.o zlaset.o zlartg.o zlarnv.o zlacgv.o zsymv.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sdrive.c sdrive.c:29:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main(int argc, char *argv[]) ^~~~ sdrive.c: In function 'main': sdrive.c:67:29: warning: variable 'nofact' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int prefact, nofact, equil, iequed; ^~~~~~ sdrive.c: In function 'parse_command_line': sdrive.c:514:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:n:w:r:s:m:b:c:l:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt sdrive.c: In function 'main': sdrive.c:207:3: warning: 'izero' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] printf(FMT3, "SLATMS", info, izero, n, nrhs, imat, nfail); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sdrive.c:74:20: warning: 'Afull' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] float *Afull; ^~~~~ sdrive.c:305:4: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] sgstrf(&options, &AC, relax, panel_size, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etree, work, lwork, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &stat, &info); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_sconvert.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sgst01.c sgst01.c: In function 'sgst01': sgst01.c:57:18: warning: unused variable 'comp_temp' [-Wunused-variable] float utemp, comp_temp; ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sgst02.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sgst04.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sgst07.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_ienv.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC sdrive.o sp_sconvert.o sgst01.o sgst02.o sgst04.o sgst07.o sp_ienv.o \ /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o stest Testing SINGLE PRECISION linear equation routines csh stest.csh superlu.stest: Command not found. superlu.stest: Command not found. superlu.stest: Command not found. superlu.stest: Command not found. superlu.stest: Command not found. superlu.stest: Command not found. gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c ddrive.c ddrive.c:29:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main(int argc, char *argv[]) ^~~~ ddrive.c: In function 'main': ddrive.c:67:29: warning: variable 'nofact' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int prefact, nofact, equil, iequed; ^~~~~~ ddrive.c: In function 'parse_command_line': ddrive.c:514:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:n:w:r:s:m:b:c:l:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt ddrive.c: In function 'main': ddrive.c:207:3: warning: 'izero' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] printf(FMT3, "DLATMS", info, izero, n, nrhs, imat, nfail); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ddrive.c:74:21: warning: 'Afull' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] double *Afull; ^~~~~ ddrive.c:305:4: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] dgstrf(&options, &AC, relax, panel_size, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etree, work, lwork, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &stat, &info); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_dconvert.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dgst01.c dgst01.c: In function 'dgst01': dgst01.c:57:19: warning: unused variable 'comp_temp' [-Wunused-variable] double utemp, comp_temp; ^~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dgst02.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dgst04.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dgst07.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC ddrive.o sp_dconvert.o dgst01.o dgst02.o dgst04.o dgst07.o sp_ienv.o \ /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dtest Testing DOUBLE PRECISION linear equation routines csh dtest.csh superlu.dtest: Command not found. superlu.dtest: Command not found. superlu.dtest: Command not found. superlu.dtest: Command not found. superlu.dtest: Command not found. superlu.dtest: Command not found. gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cdrive.c cdrive.c:29:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main(int argc, char *argv[]) ^~~~ cdrive.c: In function 'main': cdrive.c:67:29: warning: variable 'nofact' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int prefact, nofact, equil, iequed; ^~~~~~ cdrive.c: In function 'parse_command_line': cdrive.c:514:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:n:w:r:s:m:b:c:l:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt cdrive.c: In function 'main': cdrive.c:207:3: warning: 'izero' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] printf(FMT3, "CLATMS", info, izero, n, nrhs, imat, nfail); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cdrive.c:74:22: warning: 'Afull' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] complex *Afull; ^~~~~ cdrive.c:305:4: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] cgstrf(&options, &AC, relax, panel_size, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etree, work, lwork, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &stat, &info); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_cconvert.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cgst01.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cgst02.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cgst04.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cgst07.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC cdrive.o sp_cconvert.o cgst01.o cgst02.o cgst04.o cgst07.o sp_ienv.o \ /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o ctest Testing SINGLE COMPLEX linear equation routines csh ctest.csh superlu.ctest: Command not found. superlu.ctest: Command not found. superlu.ctest: Command not found. superlu.ctest: Command not found. superlu.ctest: Command not found. superlu.ctest: Command not found. gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zdrive.c zdrive.c:29:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main(int argc, char *argv[]) ^~~~ zdrive.c: In function 'main': zdrive.c:67:29: warning: variable 'nofact' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int prefact, nofact, equil, iequed; ^~~~~~ zdrive.c: In function 'parse_command_line': zdrive.c:514:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:n:w:r:s:m:b:c:l:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt zdrive.c: In function 'main': zdrive.c:207:3: warning: 'izero' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] printf(FMT3, "ZLATMS", info, izero, n, nrhs, imat, nfail); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zdrive.c:74:28: warning: 'Afull' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] doublecomplex *Afull; ^~~~~ zdrive.c:305:4: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] zgstrf(&options, &AC, relax, panel_size, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etree, work, lwork, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &stat, &info); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_zconvert.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zgst01.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zgst02.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zgst04.c gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zgst07.c g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g -fPIC -DPIC zdrive.o sp_zconvert.o zgst01.o zgst02.o zgst04.o zgst07.o sp_ienv.o \ /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o ztest Testing DOUBLE COMPLEX linear equation routines csh ztest.csh superlu.ztest: Command not found. superlu.ztest: Command not found. superlu.ztest: Command not found. superlu.ztest: Command not found. superlu.ztest: Command not found. superlu.ztest: Command not found. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING' make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3' + pushd EXAMPLE ~/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE ~/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3 + make -j8 make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c slinsol.c slinsol.c: In function 'main': slinsol.c:74:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c slinsol1.c slinsol1.c: In function 'main': slinsol1.c:79:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c slinsolx.c slinsolx.c: In function 'main': slinsolx.c:125:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ slinsolx.c: In function 'parse_command_line': slinsolx.c:192:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:w:r:u:f:t:p:e:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_sdefs.h:84, from slinsolx.c:9: slinsolx.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ slinsolx.c:26:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dlinsolx.c dlinsolx.c: In function 'main': dlinsolx.c:125:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ dlinsolx.c: In function 'parse_command_line': dlinsolx.c:192:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:w:r:u:f:t:p:e:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_ddefs.h:84, from dlinsolx.c:9: dlinsolx.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlinsolx.c:26:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dlinsol1.c dlinsol1.c: In function 'main': dlinsol1.c:79:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sitersol.c sitersol.c: In function 'main': sitersol.c:297:15: warning: unused variable 'temp' [-Wunused-variable] float temp; ^~~~ sitersol.c:108:11: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] float one = 1.0; ^~~ sitersol.c:106:13: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] float u, rpg, rcond; ^ sitersol.c:90:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dlinsol.c dlinsol.c: In function 'main': dlinsol.c:74:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dlinsolx1.c dlinsolx1.c: In function 'main': dlinsolx1.c:169:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ dlinsolx1.c: In function 'parse_command_line': dlinsolx1.c:221:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_ddefs.h:84, from dlinsolx1.c:9: dlinsolx1.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlinsolx1.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sp_ienv.c sp_ienv.c: In function 'sp_ienv': sp_ienv.c:75:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'xerbla_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] xerbla_("sp_ienv", &i); ^~~~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c slinsolx1.c slinsolx1.c: In function 'main': slinsolx1.c:169:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ slinsolx1.c: In function 'parse_command_line': slinsolx1.c:221:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_sdefs.h:84, from slinsolx1.c:9: slinsolx1.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ slinsolx1.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c superlu.c superlu.c:13:1: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] main(int argc, char *argv[]) ^~~~ superlu.c: In function 'main': superlu.c:30:40: warning: unused variable 'permc_spec' [-Wunused-variable] int nrhs, info, i, m, n, nnz, permc_spec; ^~~~~~~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c slinsolx2.c slinsolx2.c: In function 'main': slinsolx2.c:143:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ slinsolx2.c:198:16: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] float *sol = (float*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ slinsolx2.c: In function 'parse_command_line': slinsolx2.c:257:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_sdefs.h:84, from slinsolx2.c:9: slinsolx2.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ slinsolx2.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dlinsolx2.c dlinsolx2.c: In function 'main': dlinsolx2.c:143:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ dlinsolx2.c:198:17: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] double *sol = (double*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ dlinsolx2.c: In function 'parse_command_line': dlinsolx2.c:257:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_ddefs.h:84, from dlinsolx2.c:9: dlinsolx2.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ dlinsolx2.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sitersol1.c sitersol1.c: In function 'main': sitersol1.c:309:15: warning: unused variable 'temp' [-Wunused-variable] float temp; ^~~~ sitersol1.c:109:11: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] float one = 1.0; ^~~ sitersol1.c:107:13: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] float u, rpg, rcond; ^ sitersol1.c:91:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c clinsol.c clinsol.c: In function 'main': clinsol.c:74:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c sfgmr.c sfgmr.c: In function 'sfgmr': sfgmr.c:143:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'scopy_'; did you mean 'bcopy'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] scopy_(&n, vv[i], &i_1, z[i], &i_1); ^~~~~~ bcopy sfgmr.c:160:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'saxpy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] saxpy_(&n, &negt, vv[j], &i_1, vv[i1], &i_1); ^~~~~~ sfgmr.c:86:52: warning: unused variable 'i_2' [-Wunused-variable] int i, i1, ii, j, k, k1, its, retval, i_1 = 1, i_2 = 2; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c dfgmr.c dfgmr.c: In function 'dfgmr': dfgmr.c:143:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'dcopy_'; did you mean 'bcopy'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] dcopy_(&n, vv[i], &i_1, z[i], &i_1); ^~~~~~ bcopy dfgmr.c:160:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'daxpy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] daxpy_(&n, &negt, vv[j], &i_1, vv[i1], &i_1); ^~~~~~ dfgmr.c:86:52: warning: unused variable 'i_2' [-Wunused-variable] int i, i1, ii, j, k, k1, its, retval, i_1 = 1, i_2 = 2; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c clinsolx1.c clinsolx1.c: In function 'main': clinsolx1.c:169:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ clinsolx1.c: In function 'parse_command_line': clinsolx1.c:221:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_cdefs.h:84, from clinsolx1.c:9: clinsolx1.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ clinsolx1.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c ditersol1.c ditersol1.c: In function 'main': ditersol1.c:309:16: warning: unused variable 'temp' [-Wunused-variable] double temp; ^~~~ ditersol1.c:109:12: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] double one = 1.0; ^~~ ditersol1.c:107:14: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] double u, rpg, rcond; ^ ditersol1.c:91:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c clinsolx2.c clinsolx2.c: In function 'main': clinsolx2.c:143:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ clinsolx2.c:198:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ clinsolx2.c: In function 'parse_command_line': clinsolx2.c:257:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_cdefs.h:84, from clinsolx2.c:9: clinsolx2.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ clinsolx2.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c clinsol1.c clinsol1.c: In function 'main': clinsol1.c:79:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c citersol.c citersol.c: In function 'main': citersol.c:106:13: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] float u, rpg, rcond; ^ citersol.c:90:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c ditersol.c ditersol.c: In function 'main': ditersol.c:297:16: warning: unused variable 'temp' [-Wunused-variable] double temp; ^~~~ ditersol.c:108:12: warning: unused variable 'one' [-Wunused-variable] double one = 1.0; ^~~ ditersol.c:106:14: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] double u, rpg, rcond; ^ ditersol.c:90:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zlinsolx.c zlinsolx.c: In function 'main': zlinsolx.c:125:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ zlinsolx.c: In function 'parse_command_line': zlinsolx.c:192:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:w:r:u:f:t:p:e:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_zdefs.h:84, from zlinsolx.c:9: zlinsolx.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlinsolx.c:26:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c clinsolx.c clinsolx.c: In function 'main': clinsolx.c:125:18: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] complex *sol = (complex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ clinsolx.c: In function 'parse_command_line': clinsolx.c:192:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:w:r:u:f:t:p:e:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_cdefs.h:84, from clinsolx.c:9: clinsolx.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ clinsolx.c:26:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zlinsol1.c zlinsol1.c: In function 'main': zlinsol1.c:79:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c cfgmr.c cfgmr.c: In function 'cfgmr': cfgmr.c:145:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ccopy_'; did you mean 'bcopy'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] ccopy_(&n, vv[i], &i_1, z[i], &i_1); ^~~~~~ bcopy cfgmr.c:172:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'caxpy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] caxpy_(&n, &negt, vv[j], &i_1, vv[i1], &i_1); ^~~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c citersol1.c citersol1.c: In function 'main': citersol1.c:107:13: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] float u, rpg, rcond; ^ citersol1.c:91:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zitersol.c zitersol.c: In function 'main': zitersol.c:106:14: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] double u, rpg, rcond; ^ zitersol.c:90:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g slinsol.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o slinsol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zlinsol.c zlinsol.c: In function 'main': zlinsol.c:74:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) B.Store)->nzval; ^~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g slinsolx1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o slinsolx1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zfgmr.c zfgmr.c: In function 'zfgmr': zfgmr.c:145:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zcopy_'; did you mean 'bcopy'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zcopy_(&n, vv[i], &i_1, z[i], &i_1); ^~~~~~ bcopy zfgmr.c:172:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'zaxpy_' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] zaxpy_(&n, &negt, vv[j], &i_1, vv[i1], &i_1); ^~~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g slinsolx.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o slinsolx make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g slinsolx2.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o slinsolx2 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g sitersol.o sfgmr.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o sitersol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zlinsolx1.c zlinsolx1.c: In function 'main': zlinsolx1.c:169:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ zlinsolx1.c: In function 'parse_command_line': zlinsolx1.c:221:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_zdefs.h:84, from zlinsolx1.c:9: zlinsolx1.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlinsolx1.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zitersol1.c zitersol1.c: In function 'main': zitersol1.c:107:14: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable] double u, rpg, rcond; ^ zitersol1.c:91:14: warning: unused variable 'equil' [-Wunused-variable] yes_no_t equil; ^~~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' gcc -fPIC -DPIC -g -DPRNTlevel=0 -O3 -pipe -Wall -g -DAdd_ -I../SRC -c zlinsolx2.c zlinsolx2.c: In function 'main': zlinsolx2.c:143:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ zlinsolx2.c:198:24: warning: unused variable 'sol' [-Wunused-variable] doublecomplex *sol = (doublecomplex*) ((DNformat*) X.Store)->nzval; ^~~ zlinsolx2.c: In function 'parse_command_line': zlinsolx2.c:257:18: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getopt'; did you mean 'getsubopt'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:u:e:t:")) != EOF ) { ^~~~~~ getsubopt In file included from ../SRC/slu_zdefs.h:84, from zlinsolx2.c:9: zlinsolx2.c: In function 'main': ../SRC/slu_util.h:56:25: warning: 'work' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] #define USER_FREE(addr) superlu_free(addr) ^~~~~~~~~~~~ zlinsolx2.c:39:21: note: 'work' was declared here void *work; ^~~~ make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g slinsol1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o slinsol1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g dlinsolx2.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dlinsolx2 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g sitersol1.o sfgmr.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o sitersol1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g dlinsol.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dlinsol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g superlu.o sp_ienv.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o superlu make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g dlinsolx.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dlinsolx make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g clinsol.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o clinsol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g ditersol.o dfgmr.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o ditersol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g dlinsolx1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dlinsolx1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g ditersol1.o dfgmr.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o ditersol1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g dlinsol1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o dlinsol1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g clinsol1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o clinsol1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g clinsolx.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o clinsolx make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g clinsolx2.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o clinsolx2 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g citersol.o cfgmr.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o citersol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g clinsolx1.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o clinsolx1 make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g zlinsol.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a -Lusr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/GotoBLAS -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -o zlinsol make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' make: Entering directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/EXAMPLE' g77 -fPIC -DPIC -g zlinsolx2.o /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a 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zlarnd.o zdotc.o zlatm1.o dlatm1.o dlaran.o dlarnd.o dlaruv.o dlabad.o dlarnv.o \ zlatb4.o zlaset.o zlartg.o zlarnv.o zlacgv.o zsymv.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o pow_dd.o lsamen.o ranlib /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN/libtmglib.a make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN' + popd ~/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3 + exit 0 Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.20170 + umask 022 + /bin/mkdir -p /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + /bin/chmod -Rf u+rwX -- /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot + : + /bin/rm -rf -- /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot + cd superlu4.0-4.3 + install -d /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/bin + install -d /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/superlu4.0/examples + install -d /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/lib + install -d /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/include + install -d /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0/html + install -d 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ADDLIB='-L. -lsuperlu_4.0' + ar x libtmglib.a + g++ -shared cdotc.o clacgv.o clagge.o claghe.o clagsy.o clarge.o clarnd.o clarnv.o claror.o clarot.o clartg.o claset.o clatb4.o clatm1.o clatm2.o clatm3.o clatme.o clatmr.o clatms.o csymv.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o dlabad.o dlagge.o dlagsy.o dlaran.o dlarge.o dlarnd.o dlarnv.o dlaror.o dlarot.o dlartg.o dlaruv.o dlaset.o dlatb4.o dlatm1.o dlatm2.o dlatm3.o dlatme.o dlatmr.o dlatms.o lsamen.o pow_dd.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o slabad.o slagge.o slagsy.o slaran.o slarge.o slarnd.o slarnv.o slaror.o slarot.o slartg.o slaruv.o slaset.o slatb4.o slatm1.o slatm2.o slatm3.o slatme.o slatmr.o slatms.o zdotc.o zlacgv.o zlagge.o zlaghe.o zlagsy.o zlarge.o zlarnd.o zlarnv.o zlaror.o zlarot.o zlartg.o zlaset.o zlatb4.o zlatm1.o zlatm2.o zlatm3.o zlatme.o zlatmr.o zlatms.o zsymv.o -L. -lsuperlu_4.0 -llapack -lopenblas -lgfortran -lm -Wl,-soname,libtmglib.so.4 -o libtmglib.so.4.2.0 + ln -s libtmglib.so.4.2.0 libtmglib.so.4 + ln -s libtmglib.so.4 libtmglib.so + rm -f cdotc.o clacgv.o clagge.o claghe.o clagsy.o clarge.o clarnd.o clarnv.o claror.o clarot.o clartg.o claset.o clatb4.o clatm1.o clatm2.o clatm3.o clatme.o clatmr.o clatms.o csymv.o d_lg10.o d_sign.o dlabad.o dlagge.o dlagsy.o dlaran.o dlarge.o dlarnd.o dlarnv.o dlaror.o dlarot.o dlartg.o dlaruv.o dlaset.o dlatb4.o dlatm1.o dlatm2.o dlatm3.o dlatme.o dlatmr.o dlatms.o lsamen.o pow_dd.o r_lg10.o r_sign.o slabad.o slagge.o slagsy.o slaran.o slarge.o slarnd.o slarnv.o slaror.o slarot.o slartg.o slaruv.o slaset.o slatb4.o slatm1.o slatm2.o slatm3.o slatme.o slatmr.o slatms.o zdotc.o zlacgv.o zlagge.o zlaghe.o zlagsy.o zlarge.o zlarnd.o zlarnv.o zlaror.o zlarot.o zlartg.o zlaset.o zlatb4.o zlatm1.o zlatm2.o zlatm3.o zlatme.o zlatmr.o zlatms.o zsymv.o + popd ~/RPM/BUILD/superlu4.0-4.3 + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-alt Cleaning files in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot (auto) mode of './usr/lib/libtmglib.so.4.2.0' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0644 (rw-r--r--) mode of './usr/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.so.4.2.0' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0644 (rw-r--r--) Verifying and fixing files in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot (binconfig,pkgconfig,libtool,desktop) Checking contents of files in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/ (default) Compressing files in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot (auto) Adjusting library links in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot ./usr/lib: libsuperlu_4.0.so.4 -> libsuperlu_4.0.so.4.2.0 libtmglib.so.4 -> libtmglib.so.4.2.0 Verifying ELF objects in /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot (arch=normal,fhs=normal,lfs=relaxed,lint=relaxed,rpath=normal,stack=normal,textrel=normal,unresolved=normal) verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.so.4.2.0: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.zitersol1: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.zitersol: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.sitersol1: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.sitersol: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.ditersol1: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.ditersol: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.citersol1: uses non-LFS functions: fopen verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/bin/superlu4.0.citersol: uses non-LFS functions: fopen Hardlinking identical .pyc and .pyo files Processing files: superlu4.0-4.3-alt8 Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.84084 + umask 022 + /bin/mkdir -p /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd superlu4.0-4.3 + DOCDIR=/usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + export DOCDIR + rm -rf /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + /bin/mkdir -p /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + cp -prL README /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + chmod -R go-w /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + chmod -R a+rX /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/share/doc/superlu4.0-4.3 + exit 0 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.LSiPKd find-provides: running scripts (alternatives,debuginfo,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,python,shell) Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.1nE5uA find-requires: running scripts (cpp,debuginfo,files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,rpmlib,shebang,shell,static,symlinks,systemd-services) Provides: superlu = 4.3-alt8 Requires: libsuperlu4.0 = 4.3-alt8, /bin/csh, /lib/ld-linux.so.2, libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7), libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.0), libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.1), libopenblas.so.0 >= set:rlPMXOYHUZdlL59Ld2UHZc9HZtZf6MILIZoQZnAZgS1G2MF9ZFctjV0gzZDswfY7XeliUpeEPbHZKoTCQVIS6Eav7uEZHU58jszRHOD8pkgZLj26FuOPO18HlJq87X6RrOpIVoH7PhwmEWFrVdLHjEm9YFaDm4BEeSZejTpIJGNJAC5QGVpkHJ9hZFZ1EetIRSG0ycZg67t0, rtld(GNU_HASH) Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(SetVersions) Finding debuginfo files (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo-files) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.Jgigkf Creating superlu4.0-debuginfo package Processing files: libsuperlu4.0-4.3-alt8 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.aYultc find-provides: running scripts (alternatives,debuginfo,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,python,shell) lib.prov: /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.so.4: 436 symbols, 19 bpp lib.prov: /usr/src/tmp/superlu4.0-buildroot/usr/lib/libtmglib.so.4: 84 symbols, 17 bpp Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.dqSyDh find-requires: running scripts (cpp,debuginfo,files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,rpmlib,shebang,shell,static,symlinks,systemd-services) Provides: libsuperlu = 4.3-alt8, libsuperlu_4.0.so.4 = set:mdTIqiQpgIOsu3UQxjtAFBlyQulLaKINAtBI95JAtPybxOgXnahloQUFjXZaui22ZvmRGJ24TM70ZkyiPDP5Mas6LnudN0hR6IBddHa0NkSFY75S81dygDQMeR2Y7R0Mji1N2uzwdgGXc6HM423dfDjOJjWosTEpiBq2pzG1N8MoioXS6XZoYn8YSw2lTFYo6gI2hv9dckwrZsMTg59ybCNiN9UvM4wIVM1m9Wh6uSXcO7VZ4CnNWV9rH4Z7ZeZHQKto5XQjowWF4LQrDIuk5K1hEyeZxvzBRoSKJel1i67RnM0jLWspuceof8qGlDLOEfvsZdR0pCWX31DwZh82ndDEh5G5MIlZocVV9Y94SaakmGDWKkpceTof7SevNNhZ2dXAbXDGVwLRZDurqm58kRkG2Pf38a2ZjCYtErPzClZiF60zD1SMgNR7ZChBabdPnC8xdiewWmvAeOxx9Yg327B97TEYyEtdaeor73K0EoY5yclR3lwSAtPItISFaCCmTjWLvv6OQw3DZaA2ZnsUIGZDSRZ62xHIknH6ZyEOtZ3pvAnmW5NxCO3hMoqZDE2T2C6V86aiXpOoImVZDWZpvxnJUwoLBG8ZB7TQaWds8qJbUDTuKVwBjyPk1ADoGy7TKoMbf48JC28qLn9Bwog0aAH3DyZpVgVZmbI25kEVE9eeKoigZAAcXjU2K9rxcsOF3xkgZmFucrcqOmR0kkiBNhwOAZKrAwJCxl2UrxDj756it4zhHB6lsgMo0SKOr1unmADWWNXgjhPoFQn3X7bzCr7EP8tzrwPUdlDAOg09wEJFsdOZoJOo8SvOSdB3gc5OzFGAopi5ZrZ1pmRPSQwN3RShKCDjoHYbEW2, libtmglib.so.4 = set:kdY9uPdWpNTm0lmYBlreFg80GcJ2gMuI6HHAdIS6rv2HNR3XlqiqV4LvxOuqAyyfBaBXxQRGFUtWEFtbvJUQvryhibeB8bH0Z45418f70zaMH1Yyw6JxGHfw5wuSaWYcOFcd8o7hVEkMW9FP98PZfyAtDMQYewEpQfnyZgGqx97m Requires: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1.3), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4), libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7), liblapack.so.4 >= set:ojIiQki4CqiHCeNgFJYoZ5aLLjJNngRwE7GiNWcmaUZs1WoXzLnHcFbZ51iz3n0D8CwGb7zVJF6, libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.0), libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.1), libopenblas.so.0 >= set:rlPMXOYHUZdlL59Ld2UHZc9HZtZf6MILIZoQZnAZgS1G2MF9ZFctjV0gzZDskDRxlfVXeliUpeEPbHZKoTCQVIS6Eav7uEZHU58jszRHOD8pkgZLj26FuugqnO948HlJq87X6RrOpIVoH7PhwmEWFrVdLHjEm9YFaDm4BEeSZejTpIJGNJAC5QGVpkHJ9hZFZ1EetIRSG0ycZg67t0, rtld(GNU_HASH) Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(SetVersions) Finding debuginfo files (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo-files) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.MVBG4G Creating libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo package Processing files: libsuperlu-devel-4.3-alt8 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.sI0NWq find-provides: running scripts (alternatives,debuginfo,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,python,shell) Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.8LC5eu find-requires: running scripts (cpp,debuginfo,files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,rpmlib,shebang,shell,static,symlinks,systemd-services) Requires: libsuperlu4.0 = 4.3-alt8, /usr/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.so.4, /usr/lib/libtmglib.so.4 Finding debuginfo files (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo-files) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.40MLn2 Processing files: libsuperlu-devel-doc-4.3-alt8 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.jzmgj3 find-provides: running scripts (alternatives,debuginfo,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,python,shell) Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.4olxoo find-requires: running scripts (cpp,debuginfo,files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,rpmlib,shebang,shell,static,symlinks,systemd-services) Processing files: superlu4.0-debuginfo-4.3-alt8 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.aZ6zAe find-provides: running scripts (debuginfo) Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.YokdEA find-requires: running scripts (debuginfo) Requires: superlu4.0 = 4.3-alt8, /usr/lib/debug/lib/ld-linux.so.2.debug, debug(libc.so.6), debug(libm.so.6), debug(libopenblas.so.0) Processing files: libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo-4.3-alt8 Finding Provides (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.oapCSC find-provides: running scripts (debuginfo) Finding Requires (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires) Executing: /bin/sh -e /usr/src/tmp/rpm-tmp.uY6BfQ find-requires: running scripts (debuginfo) Provides: debug(libsuperlu_4.0.so.4), debug(libtmglib.so.4) Requires: libsuperlu4.0 = 4.3-alt8, debug(libc.so.6), debug(liblapack.so.4), debug(libm.so.6), debug(libopenblas.so.0) Adding to superlu4.0 a strict dependency on libsuperlu4.0 Adding to superlu4.0-debuginfo a strict dependency on superlu4.0 Adding to libsuperlu-devel a strict dependency on libsuperlu4.0 Adding to libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo a strict dependency on libsuperlu4.0 Adding to superlu4.0-debuginfo a strict dependency on libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo Removing from superlu4.0-debuginfo 243 sources provided by libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo also prunning dir /usr/src/debug/superlu4.0-4.3/SRC also prunning dir /usr/src/debug/superlu4.0-4.3/TESTING/MATGEN Removing 2 extra deps from libsuperlu-devel due to dependency on libsuperlu4.0 Removing 10 extra deps from superlu4.0 due to repentancy on libsuperlu4.0 Removing 3 extra deps from superlu4.0-debuginfo due to repentancy on libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo warning: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: /usr/lib/libsuperlu_4.0.a /usr/lib/libtmglib.a Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/superlu4.0-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libsuperlu4.0-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libsuperlu-devel-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/libsuperlu-devel-doc-4.3-alt8.noarch.rpm Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/superlu4.0-debuginfo-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libsuperlu4.0-debuginfo-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm 56.47user 10.53system 1:33.70elapsed 71%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 39608maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+4023304minor)pagefaults 0swaps 96.72user 17.28system 2:22.95elapsed 79%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 168288maxresident)k 1072inputs+0outputs (0major+4970571minor)pagefaults 0swaps --- superlu4.0-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm.repo 2019-02-14 10:56:32.000000000 +0000 +++ superlu4.0-4.3-alt8.i586.rpm.hasher 2020-10-11 10:29:23.362420966 +0000 @@ -83,3 +83,2 @@ Requires: /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -Requires: libopenblas.so.0 >= set:rlPMXOYHUZdlL59Ld2UHZc9HZtZf6MILIZoQZnAZgS1G2MF9ZFctjV0gzZDswfY7XeliUpeEPbHZKoTCQVIS6Eav7uEZHU58jszRHOD8pkgZLj26FuOPO18HlJq87X6RrOpIVoH7PhwmEWFrVdLHjEm9YFaDm4BEeSZejTpIJGNJAC5QGVpkHJ9hZFZ1EetIRSG0ycZg67t0 Requires: libsuperlu4.0 = 4.3-alt8:sisyphus+221523.100.1.2